Our Country's Good Character CardsQuick View

Our Country's Good Character Cards

<p>Character cards for the play ’ Our Country’s Good’ by Timerblake Wertenbaker. An amazing revision tool for all questions of the AQA exam for KS5 (Sixthform) or any other year groups studying the play. Can be used in a multitude of ways, for example:</p> <p>Exploring the physicality of the characters and assessing students understanding of it. This relates to questions 1 and 2 of the AQA A-level exam.</p> <p>Charades style of game where the class have to guess who the student is acting/describing</p> <p>Heads up style of game where students are in groups with a character in front of them. You can only ask each other yes and no questions and you must guess which character you have been given. This tests students understanding and knowledge of the characters in the play.</p> <p>Can be used as character prompts for struggling students during written assessments. Differentiation can be shown through this approach.<br /> allows teachers to see which characters students lack knowledge and understanding on.</p> <p>Can be used to describe design elements of characters too. Getting students to describe the clothes and or props the character would have. Question 3 of the exam</p> <p>You can use them in ANY other way you feel, You just need to print them!</p>
Blood Brothers LessonQuick View

Blood Brothers Lesson

<p>Around 8 lessons worth of work on Blood Brothers with clear tasks for both teacher led and student led learning. This can be used with your year 10s for introductory work or for year 11 revision. In the notes section are descriptions of how I use the slides and description of activies.</p>
Drama report templateQuick View

Drama report template

<p>Easy termly book report template for Drama. Works for GCSE but can be used for KS3 if needed.</p> <p>Easy template which enables you to mark GCSE books with ease whilst also giving grades that allow students to see where they are doing well and needing improvement. Allows students to reponse to feedback.</p>