Light and Colours KS3 Year 8
<p>Objectives covered:</p>
<li>8Ps.03 Learn that What light is made of many colours and that this can be shown through the dispersion of Light using a Prism</li>
<li>8PS.04 Describe how colours of<br />
light can be added, subtracted,<br />
absorbed and reflected</li>
<p>Activities Used and Resources needed:</p>
<li>Light Filter activity: Use torches and colored transparent Cellophane papers <em>Wrapper paper</em> (Mainly Blue, Red and Green but you can also use other colored filter to try to figure out what mixture of colors do they contain)</li>
<li>Slide 22 and 23: Use Powerpoint highlighter and draw different colors on the spheres to simulate mixing pigments (Color Subtraction) e.g. Try using the green highligter on the blue ball. Result --> Black color as green highligter will act as a green <strong>Pigment</strong> and filter out any color except for green</li>