Light and Colours KS3 Year 8Quick View

Light and Colours KS3 Year 8

Objectives covered: 8Ps.03 Learn that What light is made of many colours and that this can be shown through the dispersion of Light using a Prism 8PS.04 Describe how colours of light can be added, subtracted, absorbed and reflected Activities Used and Resources needed: Light Filter activity: Use torches and colored transparent Cellophane papers Wrapper paper (Mainly Blue, Red and Green but you can also use other colored filter to try to figure out what mixture of colors do they contain) Slide 22 and 23: Use Powerpoint highlighter and draw different colors on the spheres to simulate mixing pigments (Color Subtraction) e.g. Try using the green highligter on the blue ball. Result --> Black color as green highligter will act as a green Pigment and filter out any color except for green