The Snail and The Whale Guided Reading
<p>A sequence of ten guided reading lessons around the story “The Snail and The Whale” These slides have been used for remote learning and we found it beneficial to provide voice overs and lesson recordings for these lessons. The children thoroughly enjoyed engaging in these lessons and we found the lessons appropriate and suitable for home learning.</p>
<p>Lesson 1- Text Introduction<br />
Lesson 2- Vocabulary<br />
Lesson 3- Retrieval<br />
Lesson 4- Inference<br />
Lesson 5- Sequencing<br />
Lesson 6- Range of reading skills<br />
Lesson 7- Vocabulary<br />
Lesson 8- Retrieval<br />
Lesson 9- Making Comparisons<br />
Lesson 10 - Using adjectives</p>
<p>I hope these lessons are beneficial to you and can help you with your planning and implementation.</p>