Road and rail safety RSEQuick View

Road and rail safety RSE

<p>**Road and rail safety **</p> <ul> <li>meets statutory RSE guidance</li> <li>A mixture of prior knowledge quizzes, video clips and activities.</li> <li>All resources are embedded within the power point and able to be edited/printed.</li> </ul>
FGM, Virginity testing and hymenoplastyQuick View

FGM, Virginity testing and hymenoplasty

<p>**Honor based abuse and violence **</p> <ul> <li>meets statutory RSE guidance (FGM, virginity testing and hymenoplasty)</li> <li>A mixture of prior knowledge quizzes, video clips and activities.</li> <li>All resources are embedded within the power point and able to be edited/printed.</li> </ul>
What is vaping and why is it bad for you?Quick View

What is vaping and why is it bad for you?

<p><strong>What is vaping and why is it bad for you?</strong></p> <ul> <li>meets statutory RSE guidance</li> <li>A mixture of prior knowledge quizzes, video clips and activities.</li> <li>All resources are embedded within the power point and able to be edited/printed.</li> </ul>
How to navigate local healthcare systemQuick View

How to navigate local healthcare system

<p><strong>How to navigate local healthcare system</strong></p> <ul> <li>meets statutory RSE guidance</li> <li>History of the NHS, why the NHS is important and how to navigate local NHS services</li> <li>All resources are embedded within the power point and able to be edited to meet your local NHS requirments</li> </ul>
Eating disorderQuick View

Eating disorder

<p>**Eating Disorder **</p> <ul> <li>meets statutory RSE guidance (what is an eating disorder, causes of eating disorders, effects of eating disorders and where to seek help)</li> <li>A mixture of formative assessment quizzes, video clips and activities.</li> <li>All resources are embedded within the power point and able to be edited/printed.</li> </ul>
County Lines RSE PSHEQuick View

County Lines RSE PSHE

<p>A lesson on County Lines.</p> <p>This lesson explores what it is, why people get involved and the impacts that being involved can have upon the individuals and their family/friends.</p>
Health and Prevention unit RSE PSHEQuick View

Health and Prevention unit RSE PSHE

<p>A unit of work on the topic of health and prevention. All lessons have been planned in line with the RSE statutory framework.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Infections<br /> Lesson 2 - Dental care<br /> Lesson 3 - Sleep<br /> Lesson 4 - Donation<br /> Lesson 5 - Screening</p> <p>All lessons and resources can be edited</p>
Puberty - RSE/PSHEQuick View

Puberty - RSE/PSHE

<p>A bundle of two lessons on puberty - planned in line with the RSE statutory framework.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Puberty overview<br /> Lesson 2 - How puberty impacts my mental and physical wellbeing.</p> <p>Lessons and resources can be edited.</p>
Bundle Sex and relationshipsQuick View

Bundle Sex and relationships

<p>All lessons and resources have been planned to meet the RSE statutory framework.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Positive intimate relationships<br /> Lesson 2: Consent<br /> Lesson 3: Managing sexual pressure<br /> Lesson 4: Contraception<br /> Lesson 5: Pregnancy and choices<br /> Lesson 6: STIs</p> <p>All powerpoints and resources can be edited.</p>
Migration unit of work bundleQuick View

Migration unit of work bundle

<p>Lesson 1: What is migration?<br /> Lesson 2: Migration within the UK (overview)<br /> Lesson 3: Migration withing the UK (rural to urban)<br /> Lesson 4: International migration within Europe causes<br /> Lesson 5: International migration within Europe effects<br /> Lesson 6: International migration watch<br /> Lesson 7: International migration within Africa causes<br /> Lesson 8: International migration within Africa effects</p>
Development bundleQuick View

Development bundle

<p>All lessons have powerpoints and resources</p> <p>Lesson 1: An unequal world<br /> Lesson 2: How do we measure development?<br /> Lesson 3: Development indicators<br /> Lesson 4: Scatter graphs<br /> Lesson 5: Development scatter graphs<br /> Lesson 5: Analysis of scatter graphs<br /> Lesson 6: The DTM<br /> Lesson 7: The human causes of uneven development<br /> Lesson 8: The physical causes of uneven development<br /> Lesson 9: Consequences of uneven development<br /> Lesson 10: Reducing the development gap<br /> Lesson 11: An introduction to Lagos<br /> Lesson 12: Reducing the development gap: TNC’s<br /> Lesson 13: Reducing the development gap: Toursims<br /> Lesson 14: Reducing the development gap: Tourism 2<br /> Lesson 15: Reducing the development gap (exam focus)</p>
Changing Economic Work: UK bundleQuick View

Changing Economic Work: UK bundle

<p>A bundle of lessons for the UK section of Changing Economic World. Each lesson bundle contains power points and accompanying resources.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Economic change in the UK<br /> Lesson 2 - Post-industrial economy<br /> Lesson 3 - Impacts of industry on the environment and how it can be made more sustainable<br /> Lesson 4 - Social and economic changes in rural landscapes<br /> Lesson 5 - Improvements and new developments in transport<br /> Lesson 6 - Transport Infrastructure<br /> Lesson 7 - UK place in the wider world</p>
The Living World RevisionQuick View

The Living World Revision

<p>The Living World<br /> Revision resource<br /> Whole unit covered<br /> GCSE Geography -AQA<br /> Able to edit if required</p>
GCSE Geography paper 1 revision bundle AQAQuick View

GCSE Geography paper 1 revision bundle AQA

<ul> <li>Paper 1</li> <li>GCSE Geography paper 1</li> <li>Revision resource</li> <li>whole unites covered</li> <li>Able to edit if required</li> </ul> <p>Living with the physical environment</p> <p>3.1.1 Section A: The challenge of natural hazards<br /> 3.1.2 Section B: The living world<br /> 3.1.3 Section C: Physical landscapes in the UK</p>
Mental wellbeing RSE whole unitQuick View

Mental wellbeing RSE whole unit

<p>A unit of four lessons on the topic of mental wellbeing. The unit has been planned in line with the RSE statutory framework.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Mental wellbeing - A normal part of life.<br /> Lesson 2: Mental wellbeing - How to talk about my emotions and where to seek support.<br /> Lesson 3: Factors that have a negative impact upon mental health.<br /> Lesson 4: Factors that have a positive impact upon mental health.</p> <p>All lessons include powerpoints and reosources and are editable.</p>
Bundle: Drugs, alcohol, TobaccoQuick View

Bundle: Drugs, alcohol, Tobacco

<p>A bundle (3 lessons) of work on drugs, alcohol and tobacco. All lessons (powerpoints and reources) have been planned in line with the RSE statutory framework.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Drugs<br /> Lesson 2 - Alcohol<br /> Lesson 3 - Tobacoo</p> <p>All lessons and resources can be edited</p>
Relationships RSE unit of workQuick View

Relationships RSE unit of work

<p>A unit of work on the topic of relationships. All lessons have been planned using the RSE statutory framework. Each lesson includes powerpoint/resource.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy relationship.<br /> Lesson 2: How to improve relationships.<br /> Lesson 3: Irresponsible actions in relationships<br /> Lesson 4: Stereotypes and how we treat others.<br /> Lesson 5: The Equality Act.</p> <p>All powerpoints and resources can be edited.</p>