Performing Pachelbel's Canon - made easy!Quick View

Performing Pachelbel's Canon - made easy!

This is a short performance piece that will quickly and easily have your class performing Pachelbel's canon. The key has been changed to C, to facilitate any tuned percussion instruments you have and to make the yellow singing part in a more comfortable register for singing.
DabbledooMusic - Creative Music WorkbookQuick View

DabbledooMusic - Creative Music Workbook

This is a children's workbook which we created to accompany our free online resources at<br /> <br /> It is an ideal way to introduce your class to composition and performance using graphic notation. <br /> <br /> The book is designed to be fun, creative and accessible for all, giving teachers and students alike, an insight into group music making.<br /> <br /> <br />
Singing do, re, mi with Jazz CatQuick View

Singing do, re, mi with Jazz Cat

This lesson is a simple way to get your class into singing using just do, re, mi. It is a short and fun exercise that can be repeated on a regular basis to get your class accustomed to tonic sol-fa singing.
Group Performace With Graphic NotationQuick View

Group Performace With Graphic Notation

This activity works as a short introduction to animated musical notation; using moving shapes and colour to get your class making music together and exploring different musical sounds and ideas.
Irish Music for St Patrick's DayQuick View

Irish Music for St Patrick's Day

Short introduction to Irish music followed by a play-along Irish Polka!<br /> <br /> Choose a colour and follow the animated notation on the screen.<br /> <br /> Ideal for performing with a large group, using whatever instruments you can find!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Making Music with Everyday SoundsQuick View

Making Music with Everyday Sounds

This combination of Lesson Plan and worksheets should provide a few classes worth of music making. The important thing is to allow the class freedom to create whatever sounds they wish but always encourage critical listening when they are performing, particularly in a group situation. This lesson plan can work with either the voice or selected instruments.
Group Performance and CompositionQuick View

Group Performance and Composition

This Lesson plan uses a feature unique to DabbledooMusic, an animated musical clock that will help your class organise their music making. Keep an eye on the website for new versions of the clock Ill soon post a very special version in which the students can fill in the colours on the whiteboard!
Perform as a Full ClassQuick View

Perform as a Full Class

Summary: In this section the class will create their own two part composition, arranging colours and sounds using the clocks' interactive elements. Learning Objectives: Choose contrasting vocal sounds represent each colour, red, blue, yellow and green. Create a musical score using the interactive clock. Find different ways of playing the same instruments. Perform a short piece using their chosen colours and sounds. Explore changes in duration and repetition.
Perform with Animated Musical NotationQuick View

Perform with Animated Musical Notation

Summary: Level 3 adds an inner circle of colours to the previous clock. This means that students will perform two parts at the same time and have the option of eight different sounds. Learning Objectives: Identify colours, numbers of colours. Choose a sound to represent each colour for both the inside and outside circle. Perform a short piece using their chosen sounds. Use dynamics (loud and soft) Perform using crescendo and decrescendo.
Singing do re me - Made easy!Quick View

Singing do re me - Made easy!

This interactive online resource is an easy way to get your class sining tonic sofa:<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> In this first short activity the class will be singing do, re and me.<br /> <br /> In the next section, the tonic solfa names are added!<br /> <br /> With repetition, this is a great way to get your class singing and listening to tonic solfa.
Compose with Animated NotationQuick View

Compose with Animated Notation

Summary: After the introduction to animated musical notation in parts 1 and 2, this section lets the class to create and compose their own composition on separate worksheets allowing them to work individually or in small groups. Learning Objectives: Identify two different sounds from the same instrument that they can use in a short composition. Create symbols to represent these sounds; their own graphic notation. Fill in the worksheet and perform their piece in pairs, small groups or as a class.
Jingle Bells -play alongQuick View

Jingle Bells -play along

Happy Christmas from DabbledooMusic.<br /> <br /> Divide the class into 4 colour groups, each with a different type of instruments (or body percussion). Choose a colour and play along.<br /> <br /> If you get good you can try singing it too.<br /> <br /> For more, visit
Create Your own Rhythms!Quick View

Create Your own Rhythms!

An easy way to get your class performing and composing rhythms with whatever instruments you have available to you.<br /> <br /> Follow the simple instruction and advance through the levels to get some serious beats on the go!<br /> <br /> This is an interactive resource based on our popular 'Igor' character from<br /> <br /><br />
Intro to Animated NotationQuick View

Intro to Animated Notation

Summary: This activity works as a short introduction to animated musical notation; using moving shapes and colour to get your class making music together and exploring different musical sounds and ideas. Learning Objectives: Identify colours and numbers of colours. Choose a sound to represent each colour. perform a short piece using their chosen sounds. Use dynamics (loud and soft). Perform using crescendo and decrescendo.
Interactive Graphic CompositionQuick View

Interactive Graphic Composition

Summary: After the introduction to animated musical notation in part 1, this section allows the class to create their own composition, arranging colours and sounds using the clocks' interactive elements. Learning Objectives: Choose contrasting sounds represent each colour, red and blue. Create a musical score using the interactive clock. Perform a short piece using their chosen colours and sounds. Perform a piece in A B A structure.
Play along with CATIO! KS3 class music pieceQuick View

Play along with CATIO! KS3 class music piece

This is a short performance piece you can play with your class, based around 2 notes. C and A. The red group can play these notes on any tuned instruments you have and the other colours can use any other instruments available to you.
Instrumental Performance in the Classroom!Quick View

Instrumental Performance in the Classroom!

This is a simple way to get your class performing with instruments.<br /> <br /> Using a new type of musical notation we make performing in a group easy.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Enjoy
Irish Polka Play AlongQuick View

Irish Polka Play Along

<p>This is a fun an engaging performance piece for your class. All you will need is a selection of simple percussion instruments and you speakers turned up full!</p> <ol> <li> <p>Divide the class into four color groups: Red, Green, Yellow and Blue.</p> </li> <li> <p>Give each group a different set of instruments so that each group has a unique sound.</p> </li> <li> <p>Follow the animation and play along.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Learning activities:<br /> To identify sequences of melody.<br /> To identify instrumental parts.<br /> To perform Irish polka in four groups</p>