The Namesake Revision Guide iGCSEQuick View

The Namesake Revision Guide iGCSE

<p>This is a full colour, 20 page revision guide, designed to complement teaching The Namesake for CIE iGCSE English Literature. There are both passage based and wider novel essay questions; tasks to aid recall about the characters and themes; and useful revision prompts to guide students.</p>
Inside the Novel: The Handmaid's TaleQuick View

Inside the Novel: The Handmaid's Tale

<p>This is a 15-part course aimed at GCSE and A-level and IB students. The course examines the whole novel and includes context, language, characters, themes, links to external content to support lessons and secondary reading material for various levels. I am currently using it to support my teaching of the English A Literature course for the IBDP.</p>
Essay Writing 101Quick View

Essay Writing 101

<p>This is the first in a series of documents aimed at students learning how to write academic essays. The document contains a detailed breakdown of essay structure and techniques designed to be used by English Literature students at A-level or degree level.</p>
KS3 Forging Identities BookletQuick View

KS3 Forging Identities Booklet

<p>KS3 Reading, writing and research resource for English. The booklet has a range of activities that are supported by the Old Bailey Archive website.<br /> The booklet contains the transcript from a petty treason trial, some key terms about crime in 18th century, with space to add more. Some contextual notes on gender and crime and a summary of 3 novels that support the scheme of work.<br /> The extracts are from Sarah Waters’ Fingersmiths, Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist and Hallie Rubenhold’s The Five.</p>
Writing to Persuade: Key TermsQuick View

Writing to Persuade: Key Terms

<p>A worksheet for persuasive writing which asks students to fill in definitions of persuasive terms set out in FORESTRY acronym. Followed by a persuasive writing task in the GCSE style.</p>