Whole Unit 2 Practical Sports Performance level 2
<p>Unit 2 Practical Sports Performance</p>
<p>Learning aim A: Understand the rules, regulations and scoring systems for<br />
selected sports</p>
<li>Topic A.1 Rules (or laws)</li>
<li>Topic A.2 Regulations</li>
<li>Topic A.3 Scoring systems</li>
<li>Topic A.4 Application of the rules/laws of sports in different situations</li>
<li>Topic A.6 Roles of officials</li>
<li>Topic A.7 Responsibilities of officials</li>
<li>Assignment 1 support guide</li>
<p>Learning aim B: Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in<br />
selected sports<br />
*Topic B.1 Components of physical fitness<br />
*Topic B.2 Technical demands<br />
*Topic B.3 Tactical demands<br />
*Topic B.5 Relevant skills and techniques/Relevant tactics<br />
*Topic B.9 Isolated/Conditioned Practices<br />
*Assignment 2 support guide</p>
<p>Learning aim C: Be able to review sports performance<br />
*Topic C.1 Observation checklist<br />
*Topic C.2 Review performance<br />
*Assignment 3 support guide</p>