Free virtual trip to a wind farm, dairy farm and factory in Cumbria and ScotlandQuick View

Free virtual trip to a wind farm, dairy farm and factory in Cumbria and Scotland

In the UK & Ireland, school children have largely been deprived of physical trips and visits over the last 18 months, this resource gives teachers, their classes and individual parents and children the chance, at no cost, to take a virtual trip to: • A dairy farm in Cumbria which supplies milk to our nearby factory in Dalston • The Nescafé factory in Dalston which produces frothy milk and coffee products • The Community Wind Power wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway The three trips, aimed at children aged 7-12, are interactive, with videos hosted by well- known children’s presenter Rhys Stephenson, and feature games and quizzes related to each trip and segment. In a survey we conducted children of this age were interested in the environment and sustainability and we made sure we focused on these topics. The platform can be accessed here: