The Conventions of Dystopian FictionQuick View

The Conventions of Dystopian Fiction

<p>A lesson planned and taught at KS3 designed to introduce students to the conventions of the dystopian genre. First, students are encouraged to guess the definitions of ‘utopia’ and ‘dystopia’ from images. Second, they are presented with dystopian texts they might be familiar with to discuss prior knowledge. Third, they watch a series of film trailers and take notes. Fourth, the teacher provides feedback by adding to ideas. Finally, the plenary task gets them to recall key ideas from the lesson.</p>


<p>FOUR Grade 9 essays on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Useful models for higher ability students or as a revision pack. Created for the AQA Spec but useful for any board.</p> <p>Subjects - The Witches</p> <p>Women<br /> Kingship</p> <p>Macbeth’s Character</p>
Creative Writing: Writing a successful flashbackQuick View

Creative Writing: Writing a successful flashback

<p>A clear lesson powerpoint which aims to support students to write a succesful flashback narrative. First, stimulus images are used to get students thinking about how objects might be used to stiumlate flashbacks. Then, students are introduced to Proust’s ideas about involuntary memory. Then students plan their own ideas about how objects might stiumlate ideas for flashback writing. Finally, there is a self-assessment checklist once students have completed a written task.</p>
Unseen Poetry Analysis: 'Strongman'Quick View

Unseen Poetry Analysis: 'Strongman'

<p>A lesson which I planned and taught for a job interview in which I was successful. This lesson focuses on improving students’ A02 skills and developing their abilities to analyse elements of language form and structure. Students will mind-map ideas linked a conceptual idea from the poem first. Then they will actively read and highlight with a specific focus. There are then two differentiated sets of exploratory questions where students will annotate their ideas. There is then a speaking task to get students talkign about the poem using high level vocabulary. Students will then look at two models and complete a ‘spot the difference’ task to understand what makes good analytical writing. There are then sentence starters for a writing task and a self-assessment slide so that students can improve their work.</p>
Non Fiction Writing: Articles Scheme of WorkQuick View

Non Fiction Writing: Articles Scheme of Work

<p>A 9 lesson scheme of work which I planned and taught to a middle ability Year 9 set this year in preparation for an end of year assessment where they were to write an article. It is a skills based scheme which has a range of focuses in terms of content but guides students through key skills from the GCSE mark scheme to write a strong article. All of the lessons are contained in the powerpoint and are clearly demarcated from one another. There are also clear opportunities for students to revisit and practise key skills from earlier in the scheme throughout.</p> <p>Lesson Breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Researching a topic and Exploring arguments (the death penalty)</li> <li>Crafting an engaging persuasive opening</li> <li>Exploring the three strands of rhetoric - pathos, ethos and logos</li> <li>Using ambitious vocabulary for persuasive writing</li> <li>Creating Counterarguments/ Rebuttals</li> <li>Adapting language and ideas to suit an audience</li> <li>The features, format and layout of an article</li> <li>Using a wide range of punctuation</li> <li>Preparing for an assessment</li> </ol>
Introduction to Gothic Literature: Mini Scheme of WorkQuick View

Introduction to Gothic Literature: Mini Scheme of Work

<p>A mini SOW - four lessons - designed for KS3 pupils, which introduces them to the Gothic genre. For lessons 2/3 I have included student and teacher versions of the extract with detailed notes. A full lesson break down is below:</p> <p>Lesson 1: Conventions of the Gothic<br /> Lesson 2: Recall of conventions/ Exploring an extract from Jane Eyre<br /> Lesson 3: Writing a perceptive analysis of how mood and atmosphere are created.<br /> Lesson 4: Describing a Gothic Setting.</p>
Of Mice and Men Knowledge OrganiserQuick View

Of Mice and Men Knowledge Organiser

<p>A detailed two-sided knowledge organiser I created for Steinbeck’s OMAM. On the first page there are character profiles, themes and big ideas, key contexts and general literary terminology. On the second there is a list of key vocabulary that’s essential for studying the novel, with definitions and examples used in sentences. There are also a series of self-study tasks to support students with revising the text.</p>
Lord of The Flies Knowledge OrganiserQuick View

Lord of The Flies Knowledge Organiser

<p>A detailed two-sided knowledge organiser I created for Golding’s Lord of The Flies. On the first page there are character profiles, themes and big ideas, key contexts and general literary terminology. On the second there is a list of key vocabulary that’s essential for studying the novel, with definitions and examples used in sentences. There are also a series of self-study tasks to support students with revising the text.</p>
Creative Writing: A memory of Primary School - SENQuick View

Creative Writing: A memory of Primary School - SEN

<p>A standalone creative writing lesson aimed at SEN KS3 pupils to develop their creative writing.<br /> Based around the theme of a primary school memory.<br /> There is an attached worksheet to scaffold the writing process and get them using a range of language devices in their responses.<br /> There is also an attached model to support.</p>
GRADE 9 Creative Writing ModelsQuick View

GRADE 9 Creative Writing Models

<p>FOUR Grade 9 Creative Writing Models AQA specification</p> <p>The aim of these examples is to give students pre-prepared structures to adapt for their own creative writing.</p>
Model Essay - Remains and War PhotographerQuick View

Model Essay - Remains and War Photographer

<p>A Mini Model Essay (with the idea that students are taught and given examples on how to approach the task and they add to it), comparing Simon Armitage’s ‘Remains’ and Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘War Photographer’ from the Power and Conflict Poetry Cluster for the AQA Exam Board.</p> <p>It is also broken into sections (Intro, Poem 1, Poem 2, Conclusion) to make clear to students how to organise each section of the essay.</p>
Romeo and Juliet Model Essays - Lord CapuletQuick View

Romeo and Juliet Model Essays - Lord Capulet

<p>Two model essays (one designed for Set One; one designed for Set Four) on the extent to which Shakespeare presents Lord Capulet as a good father. (Based on AQA Past Paper).</p> <p>After each section (Intro, Extract Analysis, Wider Text Analysis, Conclusion) there are also key tips on how to organise each part.</p>
AQA Literature Paper 1 Exam Preparation BookletQuick View

AQA Literature Paper 1 Exam Preparation Booklet

<p>A booklet of extracts from Romeo and Juliet and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (4 per text) with accompanying questions to help students to prepare for a Literature Paper 1 exam.</p> <p>The extracts are followed by pointers on how to plan and write their essays, with a model example at the end.</p>