A* Politics Nationalism Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics Nationalism Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics Paper Two, Nationalism (Non-Core Ideology) Essays + Essay Plans<br /> Edexcel Politics.</p> <p>Range of A* Essays + Essay Plans, including PEEL Paragraphs -</p> <ul> <li>To what extent is Nationalism progressive?</li> <li>To what extent is Nationalism a backwards looking ideology?</li> </ul> <p>Note - Essential to obtaining an A*. Used to perfect revision material and writing style in an analytical and critical way with correct information.</p>
A* Politics US Paper Three - 12 Marker EssaysQuick View

A* Politics US Paper Three - 12 Marker Essays

<p>A* Politics Essays + Essay Plans -<br /> Edexcel Politics Paper Three, US Government and Constitution Option.</p> <p>Contains A* Answers (+ Essay Plans), covering all US Content with a large variety of 12 Marker Questions. Questions Include -</p> <ul> <li>Examine the provision of checks and balances in the US and UK constitutions.</li> <li>Analyse the different legislative powers of the UK Parliament and the US Congress</li> <li>Analyse constitutional differences between US federalism and UK devolution.</li> <li>Examine the ways in which US presidents and UK prime ministers may seek to influence legislation.</li> <li>Examine differences between the House of Representatives + House of Commons.</li> <li>Analyse how independent the Supreme Courts are in the US.</li> <li>Analyse the significant differences between the US and UK constitutions.</li> <li>Examine the extent to which the US and UK constitutions adhere to the doctrine of the separation of powers.</li> </ul> <p>Note - Essays provided essential revision and allowed me to perfect my writing style needed to obtain an A*.</p>
A* Politics Prime Minister And The Executive Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics Prime Minister And The Executive Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics Paper Two, Prime Minister And The Executive Essays + Essay Plans<br /> Edexcel Politics.</p> <p>Range of A* Essays + Essay Plans, including PEEL Paragraphs as well as includes numerous similar essay titles to show how the same information can be utilised in different ways. Essays included -</p> <ul> <li>Evaluate the view that Prime Ministers are able to successfully control the political agenda</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which the UK Prime Minister is now effectively a President.</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which the Cabinet no longer plays a meaningful role in the UK Political System *</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which the concept of ministerial responsibility remains an important feature in UK Government.</li> </ul> <p>Note - Essential to obtaining an A*. Used to perfect revision material and writing style in an analytical and critical way with correct information.</p>
A* Politics US Paper Three Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics US Paper Three Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics Essays + Essay Plans -<br /> Edexcel Politics Paper 3, US Government and Constitution Option</p> <p>Contains A* Essays (+ Essay Plans), with all being clearly structured using the PEEL Format. Questions Include -</p> <ul> <li>Evaluate the view that the checks and balances in the US Constitution are still effective today.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that Congressional oversight of the President is ineffective.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that the US Constitution is now past its ‘use by date’.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that the US legislative process is more influenced by pressure groups than political parties.</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which Campaign Finance is the most significant and important factor in determining outcomes of congressional elections.</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which the President controls foreign policy as Head of the Executive.</li> </ul> <p>Note - Essays provided essential revision and allowed me to perfect my writing style needed to obtain an A*.</p>
A* Politics Relations Between Branches Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics Relations Between Branches Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics Paper Two, Relations Between Branches (including Parliament and the Constitution) Essays + Essay Plans<br /> Edexcel Politics.</p> <p>Range of A* Essays + Essay Plans, including PEEL Paragraphs -</p> <ul> <li>Evaluate the extent to which the UK government’s control over Parliament has been reduced in recent years.</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which Parliament is effective in carrying out its work of scrutinising the government.</li> <li>To what extent has prime ministerial power grown in recent years?</li> <li>Evaluate the view that constitutional reform since 1997 has not gone far enough.</li> </ul> <p>Note - Essential to obtaining an A*. Used to perfect revision material and writing style in an analytical and critical way with correct information.</p>
A* Politics Conservatism Essays (+ Essay Plans)Quick View

A* Politics Conservatism Essays (+ Essay Plans)

<p>Full Essays (+ Essay Plans) For A Level Politics Edexcel Conservatism, including -</p> <ul> <li>To what extent are the views of One Nation Conservatives on the economy consistent with those of the New Right?</li> <li>To what extent do conservatives have a common view of human nature?</li> <li>To what extent do conservatives agree over their view of society?</li> <li>To what extent have conservatives preferred pragmatism to principle?</li> <li>To what extent is conservatism a philosophy of human imperfection?</li> </ul> <p>Note - Achieved an A* in Politics A Level, these were crucial to my success and revision.</p>
A* Politics Socialism Essays (+ Essay Plans)Quick View

A* Politics Socialism Essays (+ Essay Plans)

<p>A* (Edexcel Politics) Socialism Essays + Essay Plans, including -</p> <ul> <li>To what extent are different socialists committed to ‘equality of outcome’?</li> <li>To what extent is socialism defined by its rejection of capitalism?</li> <li>To what extent do Socialists agree over the role of the state?</li> </ul> <p>Note -<br /> Achieved an A* at Edexcel Politics A Level. These essay plans were crucial to my success.</p>
A* Politics Democracy And Political Participation Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics Democracy And Political Participation Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics Essays + Essay Plans -<br /> Edexcel Politics Paper One, Democracy and Political Participation.</p> <p>Contains A* Essays (+ Essay Plans), with some being clearly structured using the PEEL Format. Questions Include -</p> <ul> <li>Evaluate the extent to which representative democracy is a better option for the UK than direct democracy</li> <li>Evaluate the view that the wealthiest pressure groups are the most influential.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that we should have Referendums in our Representative Democracy?</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which rights are effectively protected by the UK’s constitutional arrangements.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that UK Democracy is in crisis.</li> </ul> <p>Note - Essays provided essential revision and allowed me to perfect my writing style needed to obtain an A*.</p>
A* Politics Liberalism Essays (+ Essay Plans)Quick View

A* Politics Liberalism Essays (+ Essay Plans)

<p>Edexcel A Level Politics Liberalism Essays (+ Essay Plans), including -</p> <ul> <li>‘Liberal Democracy is a contradiction in terms.’ Discuss.</li> <li>The similarities between classical liberalism and modern liberalism are greater than their differences. HFDYA?</li> <li>To what extent do Liberals agree over the economy?</li> </ul> <p>All 3 are full essays, and also include other - similar - possible title suggestions for, essentially, the same essay. Note - Achieved an A* in Edexcel A Level Politics.</p>
Medicine Personal Statement [4/4 Success]Quick View

Medicine Personal Statement [4/4 Success]

<p>My Medicine Personal Statement -</p> <ul> <li>Allowed me to get interview offers from 4/4 medical school I applied to.</li> <li>Has been checked by multiple medical school interviewers.</li> <li>Clear structure throughout with examples.</li> <li>Full Medicine Personal Statement, as well as being within UCAS wordcount limits.</li> </ul>
A* Politics Political Parties Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics Political Parties Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics Paper One, Political Parties Essays + Essay Plans<br /> Edexcel Politics.</p> <p>Range of A* Essays + Essay Plans, including PEEL Paragraphs -</p> <ul> <li>Evaluate the view that a political party’s success is down to its leadership.</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which general elections in the UK are lost by the government rather than won by the opposition.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that the only political parties that matter in our political system are the Labour and Conservative parties.</li> <li>We should switch to a system of state funding for parties – How Far Do You Agree?</li> </ul> <p>Note - Essential to obtaining an A*. Used to perfect revision material and writing style in an analytical and critical way with correct information.</p>
A* Politics Voting Behaviour And The Media Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics Voting Behaviour And The Media Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics, Paper One, Voting Behaviour And The Media Essays + Essay Plans.<br /> Edexcel Politics.</p> <p>A range of essays and essay plans, including PEEL paragraphs and similar essays to highlight how the same information can be utilised in different ways. Essays include -</p> <ul> <li>Class based voting is the main factor in how elections will turn out – How Far Do You Agree?</li> <li>Evaluate the view that age is the main factor in influencing voting behaviour.</li> <li>Evaluate view that social factors are the main factor in influencing voting behaviour.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that the role of media has become more significant in influencing politics in recent years.</li> <li>Rational choice is the most important factor in determining how people vote in the UK. How far do you agree?</li> </ul>
A* Politics Electoral Systems Essays + Essay PlansQuick View

A* Politics Electoral Systems Essays + Essay Plans

<p>A* Politics Paper One - Electoral Systems Essays + Essay Plans.<br /> Edexcel Politics.</p> <p>A range of essays and essay plans, including PEEL paragraphs, to highlight the different Assessement Objectives and how to achieve them in an essay. Essays include -</p> <ul> <li>Evaluate the view that FPTP should be replaced with PR for Westminster Elections.</li> <li>Evaluate the view that compulsory voting should be introduced.</li> <li>First past the post guarantees a strong and stable government. Do you agree?</li> </ul>