Music: Jingle Bells on BoomwhackersQuick View

Music: Jingle Bells on Boomwhackers

<p>A ‘boomwhacker’ arrangement of Jingle Bells. This could be a fun festive lesson about pitch and ensemble skills…</p> <p>Included in the powerpoint is:</p> <ol> <li>Melody (scrolling playalong)</li> <li>Bass (scrolling playalong)</li> <li>Melody/Bass combined (at three tempos)</li> <li>Still slides to work on smaller sections.</li> </ol> <p>You may want to add tube caps to some Boomwhackers to change octaves… (not essential).</p>
Music: Duration & Tempo on BoomwhackersQuick View

Music: Duration & Tempo on Boomwhackers

<p>An interactive ‘Boomwhacker’ powerpoint resource which could be used to assist teaching about pitch, timing and the ‘elements of music’ (Duration and Tempo in specific).</p> <p>The powerpoint includes three ‘play along’ videos:</p> <ol> <li>C Major Scale (played as semi-breves, minims, crotchets, quavers)</li> <li>Frère Jacques (played notated in three durations…)</li> <li>Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (included at three tempos - each being faster…)</li> </ol>