Business IntelligenceQuick View

Business Intelligence

Based upon the current state of the art of robotics applications, which industries are most likely to embrace robotics? Why? Watch the following two videos: and for a different view on impact of AI on future jobs. What are your takeaways from these videos? What is the more likely scenario in your view? How can you prepare for the day when humans indeed may not need to apply for many jobs? Identify applications other than those discussed in this chapter where Pepper is being used for commercial and personal purposes. 4.Conduct research to identify the most recent developments in self-driving cars. Note: Each of the above question must be answered in 7 lines and refrences must be APA Cited
Disaster Recovery Best PracticesQuick View

Disaster Recovery Best Practices

Review the video below and write a two page review plus cover page and reference page. The first page of your paper should be a summary of the video. The second page is an opinion page covering how your company does or should use these best practices. Disaster Recovery Best Practices (
Performance Management Discussion questionsQuick View

Performance Management Discussion questions

Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams. Review table 11.1, define leadership behaviors (in your own words) and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…). Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding. Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.
Cyber security and internet of thingsQuick View

Cyber security and internet of things

For this assignment, review the article: Abomhara, M., & Koien, G.M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: Vulnerabilities, threats, intruders, and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security, 4, 65-88. Doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.414 Address the following: What did the authors investigate, and in general how did they do so? Identify the hypothesis or question being tested Summarize the overall article. Identify the conclusions of the authors Indicate whether or not you think the data support their conclusions/hypothesis Consider alternative explanations for the results Provide any additional comments pertaining to other approaches to testing their hypothesis (logical follow-up studies to build on, confirm or refute the conclusions) The relevance or importance of the study The appropriateness of the experimental design When you write your evaluation, be brief and concise, this is not meant to be an essay but an objective evaluation that one can read very easily and quickly. Also, you should include a complete reference (title, authors, journal, issue, pages) you turn in your evaluation. This is good practice for your literature review, which you’ll be completing during the dissertation process.
Policy Legal and Ethics Week 14Quick View

Policy Legal and Ethics Week 14

Discuss each question in a paragraph of at least five sentences. Give an example from the book where insufficient testing was a factor in a program error or system failure. What was one cause in the delay in the completing of the Denver Airport. Why didn’t the website work at first? What is one characteristic of high reliability organizations? Describe the potential risks of alert fatigue in EHR systems. What were 2 common factors in both the Therac-25 case and the space shuttle disaster. What does design for failure mean? the book was A gift of fire by sare baase
Project Part 3 Malware Protection Procedure GuideQuick View

Project Part 3 Malware Protection Procedure Guide

Scenario Always Fresh allows external users, such as vendors and business partners, to access the Always Fresh Windows environment. You have noticed a marked increase in malware activity in the test environment that seems to originate from external users. After researching the likely source of new malware, you conclude that allowing external users to connect to your environment using compromised computers exposes Always Fresh to malware vulnerabilities. After consulting with your manager, you are asked to create a policy that will ensure all external computers that connect to Always Fresh environment are malware free. You create the following policy: “To protect the Always Fresh computing environment from the introduction of malware of any type from external sources, all external computers and devices must demonstrate that they are malware free prior to establishing a connection to any Always Fresh resource.” Consider the following questions: What does “malware free” mean? How can a user demonstrate that their computer or device is malware free? What are the steps necessary to establish a malware-free computer or device? How should Always Fresh verify that a client computer or device is compliant? Tasks Create a malware protection procedure guide that includes steps for installing and running anti-malware software. Fill in the following details to develop your procedure guide: Provide a list of approved anti-malware software solutions—include at least three leading antivirus and two anti-spyware products. You may include Microsoft products and third-party products. Instruct users to select one antivirus and one anti-spyware product and install them on their computer. Describe the process of: a. Ensuring anti-malware software and data is up to date. Mandate daily updates. b. Running regular malware scans. Mandate that automatic scans occur whenever the computer is idle. If that setting is unavailable, mandate daily fast scans and biweekly complete scans. Provide steps to follow any time malware is detected. a. Immediate reaction—what to do with current work, leave the computer on or turn it off b. Who to contact c. What information to collect The procedure guide may be used by company security professionals in the future. Hence, all steps listed should be clear and self-explanatory. Required Resources § Internet access § Course textbook Submission Requirements § Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible) § Font: Arial, size 12, double-space § Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide § Length: 2 to 4 pages
How Do Geographically Dispersed Teams Collaborate Effectively PaperQuick View

How Do Geographically Dispersed Teams Collaborate Effectively Paper

This week’s journal articles focus on empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams, please answer the following questions: How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively? Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team. Please note the pros and cons of each tool. Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why. Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years. The paper should meet the following requirements: 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references) APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion. A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles. The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing. Note: This written assignment is a REQUIRED ASSIGNMENT it is worth one-hundred (100) points. You are required to answer the questions as stated in the assignment question in order to obtain credit for the assignment by the due date. If you do not complete the assignment by the due date, you will receive a zero (0) for this assignment. There is a grading criterion associated with this assignment. Your work will be compared to other’s work, using SafeAssign for plagiarism, so please note that copying other people’s responses will not be tolerated.
Web Server AuditingQuick View

Web Server Auditing

Web server auditing can go a long way in enforcing tighter security and ensuring business continuity. The power of log data is tremendous. Web server logs record valuable information pertaining to usage, errors, and other important security events. Using a specialized auditing tool can be extremely helpful during the audit of web servers. In your discussion this week, please discuss the methods of identifying weak web server configurations and how to mitigate them for a secure web server. Possible concepts to include are SSL certificates, HTTPS usage, attack surface, SQL injection, vulnerability migration, and least privilege. In at least one of your peer responses, provide an overview of how to audit the web server’s security and implement best practices. Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following: Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor Provide extensive additional information on the topic Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail Share an applicable personal experience Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7) Make an argument concerning the topic. At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.
Nola Pender AssignmentQuick View

Nola Pender Assignment

Choose one health-promoting behavior in which you personally could but don’t engage. Identify factors, as defined in the health promotion model, which contribute to your decision not to participate. Include immediate competing alternatives. Analyze factors that contribute to your participation in a health-promoting activity and place each factor under the appropriate label from the health promotion model. Consider your own philosophy of health and prepare your description of wellness. Is absence of disease more prominent than positive, active statements of health? Anticipate the health-promoting behaviors important at various stages of development across the life span. What health promotion topics do you include in your practice?
NR 451 Week 5 assignment ICARE paperQuick View

NR 451 Week 5 assignment ICARE paper

Interprofessional teams are part of practice trends we see developing in all aspects of care delivery. Consider you own work environment (or recent clinical setting). For this assignment, consider the concept of interprofessional teamwork and patient outcomes. Look to your current workplace as an example. (If you are not currently employed, look to a past workplace or clinical practice area.) Apply the components of the iCARE concept to interprofessional teams in a short paper. (Body of the paper to be 3 pages, excluding the title page and references page) iCARE components are: C ompassion A dvocacy R esilience E vidence-Based Practice (EBP) How could you contribute to an interprofessional team and patient outcomes through nursing actions of: compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice? Select one scholarly nursing article from CINAHL as a resource for your paper. Additional scholarly sources can be used but are optional. Use APA format throughout, particularly in citations and on the References page. Please paraphrase throughout. One short quote is permitted. The prepared paper template is RECOMMENDED for this assignment. Elements of iCARE paper Title page Below are the headings to be used for this assignment. Introduction: (No heading needed here in APA) Explain the type of work setting you are discussing and whether interprofessional teams are currently present. If interprofessional teams are present, indicate a team function that could be improved. If interprofessional teams are NOT present, indicate what type of team you think might be possible in the setting. Describe a nursing action item for each component below that could contribute to: interprofessional team support; how this might impact the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact on patient outcomes. Compassion Advocacy Resilience Evidence-Based Practice Summary: Include a summary statement of how iCARE components can support interprofessional teams and patient outcomes. Address how you may be able to influence this process of support for interprofessional teams overall in your unit or organization. References page: List any references used in APA format.
PSY 101 Week 9 Assignment Case Study 3Quick View

PSY 101 Week 9 Assignment Case Study 3

Assignment: Case Study #3 Overview It can be hard to know how to handle a problem with a coworker or friend. That’s why the psychological concepts you’re learning in this course are so important. Understanding how the human brain works will help you master your problem solving and self and social awareness skills in your personal and professional life. And whether at work or home, you’re learning how to read the social cues of others and recommend strategies based on psychological concepts and principles. This week you’ll use your problem solving and self and social awareness skills to look beyond the opinions of others and figure out a problem’s cause so you can help a coworker make informed decisions. Review the scenario below to get started. Case Study and Questions Reggie works with Gloria and Lakeisha. He is a friendly older man who often talks about his plans for retirement in five years. He likes to make people laugh but often jokes about his struggles to learn new programs and technology. The company recently informed the team that there will be a compliance test on new safety policies, which employees will need to pass in order to keep their jobs. The company has provided materials to study as well as optional practice exams. Gloria, Lakeisha, and Reggie are having lunch in the break room, and Gloria and Lakeisha mention that they have already signed up to take the first practice test. Reggie comments about how hard it is for him to learn a different way of doing the jobs that he has already been doing for years, joking that “you can’t teach an old man new tricks.” However, later in the day, he stops by Gloria’s desk to find out how she is preparing for the test and asks for advice. Given that they have a month until the compliance test, Gloria is confident that she can help Reggie prepare. Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skills and the information that you learned in Chapter 7 of the webtext about brain plasticity and mindset, answer the questions below: What kind of mindset does Reggie need to embrace to be successful? How does Reggie’s mindset affect his brain? In Chapter 4, you learned about memory and how to effectively study. Using Chapter 4 in the webtext, what specific strategies should Gloria suggest to Reggie so that he will be prepared for the compliance test, and why? If Reggie was your coworker, what important aspects of the situation would you want to keep in mind when offering advice and strategies to him? Why do you think this is important? Instructions Use the Case Study #3 Assignment Template to record your responses. For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5-7 sentences) to receive credit for this assignment. You may use your Soomo webtext as a resource. Once you have completed your work, save the file and upload it to the assignment submission area.
Growth and developmental patterns of toddlersQuick View

Growth and developmental patterns of toddlers

Discussion: Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers. Instructions: Post your discussion to the Moodle Discussion Forum. Word limit 500 words. Support your answers with the literature and provide citations and references in APA format. Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response.
Interdisciplinary PaperQuick View

Interdisciplinary Paper

Research paper Incorporate health outcomes of the health promotion, detection of disease and disease prevention. Organize an interdisciplinary paper for your client and the delivery of safe and effective care. Choose a disease process and apply standards that are evidenced based which help support for the protection of your client. Incorporate concepts from Care of the Aging weekly powerpoints and the book-Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging (Toughy & Jett, 2018). Paper should be 3 pages not including title and reference page. Paper should follow APA guidelines with a minimum of 5 references within 5 year span.
BUS 661 Week 6 FINAL PAPER Organizational ChangeQuick View

BUS 661 Week 6 FINAL PAPER Organizational Change

We have determined that change is inevitable and subject to a number of variables attributing to the success or failure of the change process. The Final Pa per is an exploration of a change initiative that you have personally experienced or researched. The paper should demonstrate your knowledge of the change process through a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the following aspects of organizational change. Your paper must include: An identification and description of a professional change initiative personally experienced or researched. A discussion of the change initiative as seen through the eyes of the leader and the follower. A discussion of the successes and failures experienced during the change event. An analysis of the concepts and theories used to facilitate the change process. An evaluation of the impact of the change upon the organization. A discussion on the sustainability of the change effort. You must incorporate concepts and theories relating to the change process as they apply to each section of the paper. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must use headers to identify the specific aspect of change within the paper. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, in addition to the course text. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center