The Verification and Falsification PrinciplesQuick View

The Verification and Falsification Principles

<p>PowerPoint outlining the key points of the Verification Principle and the Falsification Principle (27 slides with key information).</p> <ul> <li>A.J. Ayer’s argument and criticisms</li> <li>Antony Flew’s argument (including John Wisdom’s ‘Parable of the Gardener’) and criticisms</li> </ul> <p>Criticisms:</p> <ul> <li>Richard Swinburne ’ ‘The Toys in the Cupboard’</li> <li>R.M. Hare ‘The Paranoid Student’</li> <li>John Hick ‘Eschatological Verification’</li> <li>Basil Mitchell ‘The Analogy of the Stranger’</li> </ul>
A Level Philosophy Religious Language Via NegativaQuick View

A Level Philosophy Religious Language Via Negativa

<p><strong>A Level Philosophy Religious Language</strong></p> <p><strong>Introduction to Religious Language - Outline of 40 minute lesson - short student activities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Outline of 4 activities to introduce the problem of religious language</li> <li>Brief Powerpoint</li> <li>‘What is real?’ activity sheet</li> <li>Glossary template</li> </ul> <p><strong>Via Negativa (The Apophatic Way) - Outline of 40 minute lesson - short student activities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Outline of 5 activities to introduce <em>Via Negativa</em> (The Apophatic Way)</li> <li>Brief Powerpoint</li> <li><em>Via Negativa information activity sheet</em></li> <li><em>Via Negativa Essay plan (helpful for less able A Level students)</em></li> </ul>