What is religion?
<p>an introductory lesson to different world religions and what religions may be</p>
How significant was Martin Luther King
<p>a lesson evaluating the significance of MLK within the civil rights movement. Big focus on GCSE style questioning</p>
What did Black Tudors do?
<p>A lesson looking at what sort of lives the Black Tudors led. Including activities<br />
following a picture source and guided reading activity</p>
t4 the early holocaust
<p>a lesson looking at the less talked about t4 programme. Students complete a guided comprehension reading and then an extended writing piece on how far they think t4 can be viewed as an ‘early holocaust’</p>
Nazi Ghettos
<p>a lesson using 4 case studies to look at Nazi ghettos, Warsaw, Lodz, Terezin and Krakow. testimony included</p>
<p>Provides students with a detailed insight into what Ghettos actually are and what life was like for those who lived in them.</p>
<p>Source anaylsis starter on anti-semitic propaganda and plenty of discussion points</p>
medieval medicine revision
<p>a short revision session on the 4 humours and miasma including several revision tasks</p>
how Jews been treated through history
<p>A lesson introducing a new unit of the Holocaust. Investigating how Jews have been treated throughout history</p>
What did Nazis believe
<p>Lesson 2 in the Holocaust unit, a deep dive into the beliefs of the Nazi party</p>
what is Christianity/Christian holidays
<p>A 2 bundle of lessons on what is Christianity as a religion and a follow up lessons on the holidays which Christians would celebrate</p>
What is Islam/Islamic Holidays bundle
<p>The next lesson in the plan of religious studies. What is Islam? and then a follow up lesson looking at specific Islamic holidays</p>
How did the Nazis brainwash people
<p>Lesson 3 in the Holocaust unit. An indepth look into Nazi propoganda using sources</p>
how did Hitler ensure personal supremacy
<p>a lesson looking at how Hitler ensured the Nazi party control was absolute. Contains source analysis activity</p>
Nazi defeat of opposition
<p>a lesson looking at how the Nazi party defeated people who opposed them.</p>
How did the Nazis erode Jews rights
<p>A lesson looking at the changing laws which the Nazi party implemented which changed the lives of Jewish people completely</p>
Buddhist holidays
<p>a lesson looking at Buddhist holidays and what types of things people of this faith celebrate.</p>
Stamford and Fulford
<p>a lesson in a normans unit. Investigating what happened at the battles of Stamford and Fulford. A video based lesson whilst students annotate a table of information</p>