Language and the Self Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

Language and the Self Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Language and the Self unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Language and self-identity (idiolect and sociolect, Grice’s Maxims, conversational face, theories of language and self-identity)</li> <li>Language and thought (theories of language and thought, language and social equality)</li> <li>Social groups and self-identity (convergence and divergence, social stratification, slang and jargon)</li> <li>Teenage language (case study: Multi-Ethnic Youth Dialect)</li> <li>Language and gender (Genderlect theory, Deficit approach, Dominance approach, Difference approach, Diversity approach, Standpoint theory, the muted group theory)</li> <li>Language of inclusion and exclusion (fandoms)</li> <li>Speech sounds and accents (Labov’s study)</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
English Language: Language Change Notes (CIE 9093)Quick View

English Language: Language Change Notes (CIE 9093)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Language Change unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Periods of English Language (Early Modern English and Late Modern English)</li> <li>Process of Language Change (formation of new words, changes in grammar, changes in meaning, prescriptivism vs descriptivism)</li> <li>Language Change in the Digital World</li> <li>Theories of Language Change (Functional theory, Cultural Transmission theory, Random Fluctuation theory, Substratum theory and Theory of Lexical Gaps)</li> <li>Measuring Language Change through Data (brief definitions of “corpus” and “N-gram”)</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool.</p>
English in the World Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

English in the World Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the English in the World unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Status of English (brief historical development of English as a global language, criteria used to assess status of a language, Kachru’s Circles)</li> <li>Varieties of English (standard and non-standard English, South Africa case study)</li> <li>Language dominance and language death (language imperialism, language endangerment, language shift)</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
Child Language Acquisition Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

Child Language Acquisition Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)

<p>This document outlines brief, bullet-point-style notes on the Child Language Acquisition unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Features of spoken language (definitions of “discourse” and “utterance”, discourse features, prosodic and paralinguistic features)</li> <li>Conversational interaction (features of unscripted language)</li> <li>Transcribing speech (symbols used in transcriptions)</li> <li>Stages of early language development (before birth, babbling stage, holophrastic stage, telegraphic stage and post-telegraphic stage)</li> <li>Language development from 5-8 years (restricted and elaborated codes)</li> <li>Functions of children’s language (Halliday’s functions of language, influence of TV on language development)</li> <li>Theories of language acquisition (Skinner, LAD, LASS, Piaget, Vygotsky)</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
Language and the Self PowerPoint Presentation (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

Language and the Self PowerPoint Presentation (English Language: CIE 9093)

<p>This PowerPoint outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Language and the Self unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus which can be used to teach or revise from.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Language and social identity: teenagers</li> <li>Language and gender</li> <li>Language and ethnicity</li> <li>Language and disability</li> <li>The language of fandoms</li> <li>Language and social stratification</li> <li>Slang and jargon</li> <li>Language to include and exclude</li> <li>Accents and speech sounds</li> </ul> <p>This PowerPoint can be used as a teaching and revision tool for teachers and students.</p>
Yr13 English Language Complete Notes (CIE 9093)Quick View

Yr13 English Language Complete Notes (CIE 9093)

4 Resources
<p>This bundle includes notes on all four units of the A Level English Language syllabus.</p> <ul> <li>Language Change</li> <li>Child Language Acquisition</li> <li>English in the World</li> <li>Language and the Self</li> </ul>
Schizophrenia Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Schizophrenia Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Schizophrenia topic in the Psychology CIE A Level syllabus.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Characteristics, definitions and case studies of schizophrenia and psychotic disorders</li> <li>Schizophrenia and delusional disorder</li> <li>Symptom assessment using virtual reality (Freeman, 2008)</li> <li>Explanations of schizophrenia and delusional disorder (along with strengths, weaknesses and issues and debates) :<br /> * Genetic (Gottesman and Shields, 1972)<br /> * Biochemical (dopamine hypothesis)<br /> * Cognitive (Frith, 1992)</li> <li>Treatment and management of schizophrenia and delusional disorder ((along with strengths and weaknesses):<br /> * Biochemical<br /> * Electro-convulsive therapy<br /> * Token economy (Paul and Lentz, 1977)<br /> * Cognitive-behavioural therapy (Sensky, 2000)<br /> This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</li> </ul>
Anxiety disorders Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Anxiety disorders Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Anxiety disorders topic in the Psychology CIE A Level syllabus.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following:</p> <ul> <li>Characteristics of anxiety disorders</li> <li>Measures: BIPI; GAD-7</li> <li>Explanations of phobias</li> <li>Behavioural (classical conditioning, Watson)</li> <li>Psychoanalytic (Freud)</li> <li>Biomedical/genetic (Ost)</li> <li>Cognitive (DiNardo et al.)</li> <li>Treatment and management of anxiety disorders</li> <li>Systematic desensitisation (Wolpe)</li> <li>Applied tension (Ost)</li> <li>Cognitive-behavioural therapy (Ost and Westling)</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
Social Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Social Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Social Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions).<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following:</p> <ul> <li>Assumptions of the social approach</li> <li>Milgram</li> <li>Piliavin et al.</li> <li>Yamamoto et al.</li> <li>Issues and debates<br /> This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</li> </ul>
Cognitive Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Cognitive Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Cognitive Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions).<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following:</p> <ul> <li>Assumptions of the cognitive approach</li> <li>Andrade</li> <li>Baron-Cohen et al.</li> <li>Laney et al.</li> <li>Issues and Debates</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
Learning Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Learning Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Learning Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions).<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following:</p> <ul> <li>Assumptions of the Learning Approach</li> <li>Bandura et al.</li> <li>Saavedra and Silverman</li> <li>Pepperberg</li> <li>Issues and Debates</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
Biological Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Biological Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

<p>This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Social Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions).<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following:</p> <ul> <li>Assumptions of the biological approach</li> <li>Canli et al.</li> <li>Dement and Kleitman</li> <li>Schachter and Singer</li> <li>Issues and Debates</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
Psychology and Abnormality Introduction to the topic Notes (CIE 9990)Quick View

Psychology and Abnormality Introduction to the topic Notes (CIE 9990)

<p>This document outlines brief introductory notes on the Psychology and Abnormality unit in the CIE Psychology A Level syllabus.<br /> It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes things such as:</p> <ul> <li>Definitions of the term “abnormal”</li> <li>General characteristics and strengths and weaknesses of the biological, psychodynamic, behavioural and cognitive models</li> </ul> <p>This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.</p>
Yr12 AS Level Psychology Complete Notes BundleQuick View

Yr12 AS Level Psychology Complete Notes Bundle

4 Resources
<p>This bundle includes documents outlining all studies in the CIE Psychology 9990 syllabus.<br /> It includes:</p> <ul> <li>Social approach:<br /> * Assumptions of the social approach<br /> * Milgram<br /> * Piliavin et al.<br /> * Yamamoto et al.<br /> * Issues and debates</li> <li>Learning Approach:<br /> * Assumptions of the Learning Approach<br /> * Bandura et al.<br /> * Saavedra and Silverman<br /> * Pepperberg<br /> * Issues and Debates</li> <li>Cognitive Approach:<br /> * Assumptions of the cognitive approach<br /> * Andrade<br /> * Baron-Cohen et al.<br /> * Laney et al.<br /> * Issues and Debates</li> <li>Biological Approach:<br /> * Assumptions of the biological approach<br /> * Canli et al.<br /> * Dement and Kleitman<br /> * Schachter and Singer<br /> * Issues and Debates</li> </ul>