Language and the Self Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

Language and the Self Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Language and the Self unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics: Language and self-identity (idiolect and sociolect, Grice’s Maxims, conversational face, theories of language and self-identity) Language and thought (theories of language and thought, language and social equality) Social groups and self-identity (convergence and divergence, social stratification, slang and jargon) Teenage language (case study: Multi-Ethnic Youth Dialect) Language and gender (Genderlect theory, Deficit approach, Dominance approach, Difference approach, Diversity approach, Standpoint theory, the muted group theory) Language of inclusion and exclusion (fandoms) Speech sounds and accents (Labov’s study) This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
English Language: Language Change Notes (CIE 9093)Quick View

English Language: Language Change Notes (CIE 9093)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Language Change unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics: Periods of English Language (Early Modern English and Late Modern English) Process of Language Change (formation of new words, changes in grammar, changes in meaning, prescriptivism vs descriptivism) Language Change in the Digital World Theories of Language Change (Functional theory, Cultural Transmission theory, Random Fluctuation theory, Substratum theory and Theory of Lexical Gaps) Measuring Language Change through Data (brief definitions of “corpus” and “N-gram”) This Word document can be used as a revision tool.
English in the World Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

English in the World Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the English in the World unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics: Status of English (brief historical development of English as a global language, criteria used to assess status of a language, Kachru’s Circles) Varieties of English (standard and non-standard English, South Africa case study) Language dominance and language death (language imperialism, language endangerment, language shift) This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Child Language Acquisition Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

Child Language Acquisition Notes (English Language: CIE 9093)

This document outlines brief, bullet-point-style notes on the Child Language Acquisition unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics: Features of spoken language (definitions of “discourse” and “utterance”, discourse features, prosodic and paralinguistic features) Conversational interaction (features of unscripted language) Transcribing speech (symbols used in transcriptions) Stages of early language development (before birth, babbling stage, holophrastic stage, telegraphic stage and post-telegraphic stage) Language development from 5-8 years (restricted and elaborated codes) Functions of children’s language (Halliday’s functions of language, influence of TV on language development) Theories of language acquisition (Skinner, LAD, LASS, Piaget, Vygotsky) This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Language and the Self PowerPoint Presentation (English Language: CIE 9093)Quick View

Language and the Self PowerPoint Presentation (English Language: CIE 9093)

This PowerPoint outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Language and the Self unit in the CIE A Levels syllabus which can be used to teach or revise from. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9093) and includes the topics: Language and social identity: teenagers Language and gender Language and ethnicity Language and disability The language of fandoms Language and social stratification Slang and jargon Language to include and exclude Accents and speech sounds This PowerPoint can be used as a teaching and revision tool for teachers and students.
Social Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Social Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Social Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions). It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following: Assumptions of the social approach Milgram Piliavin et al. Yamamoto et al. Issues and debates This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Cognitive Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Cognitive Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Cognitive Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions). It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following: Assumptions of the cognitive approach Andrade Baron-Cohen et al. Laney et al. Issues and Debates This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Learning Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Learning Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Learning Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions). It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following: Assumptions of the Learning Approach Bandura et al. Saavedra and Silverman Pepperberg Issues and Debates This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Biological Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Biological Approach Studies Notes (AS Level Psychology: CIE 9990)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Social Approach topic in the Psychology CIE AS Level syllabus. All studies are broken down into an APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Criticisms, Conclusions). It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following: Assumptions of the biological approach Canli et al. Dement and Kleitman Schachter and Singer Issues and Debates This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Schizophrenia Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Schizophrenia Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Schizophrenia topic in the Psychology CIE A Level syllabus. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the topics: Characteristics, definitions and case studies of schizophrenia and psychotic disorders Schizophrenia and delusional disorder Symptom assessment using virtual reality (Freeman, 2008) Explanations of schizophrenia and delusional disorder (along with strengths, weaknesses and issues and debates) : * Genetic (Gottesman and Shields, 1972) * Biochemical (dopamine hypothesis) * Cognitive (Frith, 1992) Treatment and management of schizophrenia and delusional disorder ((along with strengths and weaknesses): * Biochemical * Electro-convulsive therapy * Token economy (Paul and Lentz, 1977) * Cognitive-behavioural therapy (Sensky, 2000) This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Anxiety disorders Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)Quick View

Anxiety disorders Notes (Psychology: CIE 9990)

This document outlines brief bullet-point-style notes on the Anxiety disorders topic in the Psychology CIE A Level syllabus. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes the following: Characteristics of anxiety disorders Measures: BIPI; GAD-7 Explanations of phobias Behavioural (classical conditioning, Watson) Psychoanalytic (Freud) Biomedical/genetic (Ost) Cognitive (DiNardo et al.) Treatment and management of anxiety disorders Systematic desensitisation (Wolpe) Applied tension (Ost) Cognitive-behavioural therapy (Ost and Westling) This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Psychology and Abnormality Introduction to the topic Notes (CIE 9990)Quick View

Psychology and Abnormality Introduction to the topic Notes (CIE 9990)

This document outlines brief introductory notes on the Psychology and Abnormality unit in the CIE Psychology A Level syllabus. It follows the 2021-2023 syllabus (9990) and includes things such as: Definitions of the term “abnormal” General characteristics and strengths and weaknesses of the biological, psychodynamic, behavioural and cognitive models This Word document can be used as a revision tool for students.
Yr12 AS Level Psychology Complete Notes BundleQuick View

Yr12 AS Level Psychology Complete Notes Bundle

4 Resources
This bundle includes documents outlining all studies in the CIE Psychology 9990 syllabus. It includes: Social approach: * Assumptions of the social approach * Milgram * Piliavin et al. * Yamamoto et al. * Issues and debates Learning Approach: * Assumptions of the Learning Approach * Bandura et al. * Saavedra and Silverman * Pepperberg * Issues and Debates Cognitive Approach: * Assumptions of the cognitive approach * Andrade * Baron-Cohen et al. * Laney et al. * Issues and Debates Biological Approach: * Assumptions of the biological approach * Canli et al. * Dement and Kleitman * Schachter and Singer * Issues and Debates