Quel age as-tu? (1-11)Quick View

Quel age as-tu? (1-11)

Lots of oral work on quel âge as -tu? Team game at the end ( adapted from work by Matthew Kendrick). Music from Elizabeth Roberts. Please leave feedback.
Scratch - We Are Toy DesignersQuick View

Scratch - We Are Toy Designers

This PowerPoint takes you through the We Are Toy Designers Scratch project with Year 4. There are a couple of hyperlinks to online examples -thanks to Thackley primary school. Hope it helps guide you through the project.
Descriptive writing (poem)Quick View

Descriptive writing (poem)

Look at the language used in a descriptive poem. I am just starting out as a primary school teacher and wold appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
Button art - make a cardQuick View

Button art - make a card

A simple 3D art activity. You just need buttons , card, glue and colours, I also brought in bits of fabric and ribbons. My Year 3 class enjoyed it and all took a lovely card home. I am just starting out as a primary school teacher and would appreciate your comments/suggestions. Thanks