* The BFG - Full unit plan, powerpoint and resources - YR3/4*Quick View

* The BFG - Full unit plan, powerpoint and resources - YR3/4*

<p>THE BFG - Full Y3/4 writing unit plan, powerpoint and resources *<br /> English unit based on Roald Dahl’s, ‘THE BFG’ book and based on planning from ‘The Literary Curriculum’.</p> <p>What’s included:</p> <ul> <li>3-4 week (15 lessons) unit plan.</li> <li>Powerpoint slides for each lesson.</li> <li>Differentiated resources for each lesson.</li> <li>Learning objectives and colourful semantics resources for SEN and children working at YR1/2.</li> <li>Working wall journey, WAGOLLs and visuals.</li> <li>All items are saved either as a pdf, powerpoint or word document.</li> <li>Grammar and guided reading sessions are also linked within this plan.</li> </ul> <p>Learning objectives covered in this unit plan:</p> <ol> <li>To describe a character using noun phrases.</li> <li>To improve simple sentences.</li> <li>To create new proper nouns.</li> <li>To identify and create similes to support descriptive writing.</li> <li>To create a set of cohesive commands.</li> <li>To create a variety of synonyms for the same word.</li> <li>To make plausible inferences about a character’s emotions throughout a text.</li> <li>To develop understanding of using a comma after a fronted adverbial.</li> <li>To summarise events.</li> <li>To create an adventure story writing toolkit.</li> <li>To plan my own fantasy adventure story.</li> <li>To write the opening to my fantasy adventure story.</li> <li>To write the climax of my fantasy adventure story.</li> <li>To write the end of my fantasy adventure story.</li> <li>To edit writing for cohesion.</li> </ol> <p>If you are about to start this wonderful book in your literacy lessons, this bundle could save you so much time! Everything is saved in a format so that you can edit as much or as little as you like.</p> <p>Please see my other Year 3/4 literacy resources for sale.</p>
*Stone Age Boy - Full unit plan, powerpoints, notebooks and resources*Quick View

*Stone Age Boy - Full unit plan, powerpoints, notebooks and resources*

<p>Stone Age Boy - Full Y3/4 writing unit plan, powerpoints, notebooks and resources *<br /> English unit based on Satoshi Kitamura’s, ‘Stone Age Boy’ book and based on planning from TES and ’The Literary Curriculum’.</p> <p>What’s included:</p> <p>3-4 week (17 lessons) unit plan.<br /> Powerpoint or Notebook presentations for each lesson.<br /> Differentiated resources for each lesson.<br /> Learning objectives and colourful semantics resources for SEN and children working at YR1/2.<br /> Working wall journey, WAGOLLs and visuals.</p> <p>Learning objectives covered in this unit:</p> <p>Launch - LO: Cold write - To write a story set in the past.<br /> Hook - LO: To make predictions.<br /> Skill – LO: To retell and respond to a story.<br /> Skill –LO: To create a story map of ‘Stone Age Boy’.<br /> Skill - LO: To use expanded noun phrases.<br /> Skill -LO: To describe a setting.<br /> Apprentice write - LO: To write a diary entry.<br /> Skill - LO: To infer how a character may feel.<br /> Skill - LO: To use conjunctions.<br /> Skill - LO: To use prepositions.<br /> Apprentice write - LO: To write from the point of view of a character.<br /> Skill - LO: To recognise how a character acts and feels.<br /> Skill - LO: To improve a piece of writing.<br /> Create - LO: To collate ideas for a story.<br /> Create - LO: To plan a story.<br /> Create - LO: To write an innovated version of the ‘Stone Age Boy’ story.<br /> Refine - LO: To edit and improve my writing.</p> <p>All items are saved either as a pdf, powerpoint or word document.</p> <p>If you are about to start this wonderful book in your literacy lessons, this bundle could save you so much time! Everything is saved in a format so that you can edit as much or as little as you like.</p> <p>Please see my other Year 3/4 literacy resources for sale.</p>
* Escape from Pompeii - Full unit plan, powerpoint and resources *Quick View

* Escape from Pompeii - Full unit plan, powerpoint and resources *

<ul> <li>Escape from Pompeii - Full Y3/4 writing unit plan, powerpoint and resources *</li> </ul> <p>English unit based on Christina Balit’s, ‘Escape From Pompeii’ book and based on planning from ‘The Literary Curriculum’.</p> <p>What’s included:</p> <ul> <li>3-4 week (20 lessons) unit plan.</li> <li>Powerpoint slides for each lesson.</li> <li>Differentiated resources for each lesson.</li> <li>Learning objectives and colourful semantics resources for SEN and children working at YR1/2.</li> <li>Working wall journey, WAGOLLs and visuals.</li> </ul> <p>Learning objectives covered in this unit:</p> <ol> <li>Launch - LO: To make inferences about the past.</li> <li>Immerse - LO: To make inferences about the past.</li> <li>Skill – LO: To use verbs to describe.</li> <li>Skill – LO: To use prepositions.</li> <li>Apprentice write - LO: To write a setting description.</li> <li>Skill - LO: To make inferences about a character.</li> <li>Apprentice write - LO: To use conditional sentences to give advice.</li> <li>Skill - LO: To make inferences about how a character’s feelings have changed.</li> <li>Skill - LO: To create vivid descriptive sentences.</li> <li>Apprentice write - LO: To write a vivid description.</li> <li>WAGOLL – LO: To identify the features of a newspaper article.</li> <li>Skill - LO: To ask and answer questions in role.</li> <li>Skill - LO: To punctuate direct speech.</li> <li>Skill - LO: To summarise main events.</li> <li>Create - LO: To write the introduction to a newspaper article.</li> <li>Create - LO: To write the main body of a newspaper article.<br /> 17.Refine - LO: To edit my writing for clarity.</li> <li>Refine and evaluate - LO: To publish my newspaper report.</li> </ol> <p>All items are saved either as a pdf, powerpoint or word document.</p> <p>If you are about to start this wonderful book in your literacy lessons, this bundle could save you so much time! Everything is saved in a format so that you can edit as much or as little as you like.</p> <p><em>Please see my other Year 3/4 literacy resources for sale.</em></p>
*Leon and the Place Between - Full unit plan, powerpoint and resources*Quick View

*Leon and the Place Between - Full unit plan, powerpoint and resources*

<p>Leon and the Place Between - Full Y3/4 writing unit plan, powerpoint and resources.</p> <p>English unit based on Angela McAllister’s ‘Leon and the Place Between’ book and based on planning from CLPE.</p> <p>Included in this bundle:</p> <p>3 week (16 lessons) unit plan.<br /> Powerpoint slides for each lesson.<br /> Differentiated resources for each lesson.<br /> Learning objectives and colourful semantics resources for SEN and children working at YR1/2.<br /> Working wall journey, WAGOLLs and visuals.</p> <p>Learning objectives covered in this unit:</p> <p>Launch - Circus ‘sensory’ experience<br /> Immerse – LO: To write a customer review.<br /> Immerse – LO: To respond to an illustration and make a prediction about the story.<br /> Immerse - LO: To make plausible inferences about a character’s emotions throughout a text.<br /> WAGOLL – LO: To identify the features of a WAGOLL.<br /> Skill - LO: To gather and generate vocabulary to describe an act from the show.<br /> Skill - LO: To create descriptive sentences about an act from the show.<br /> Skill – LO: To use alliteration to describe a circus act.<br /> Apprentice Write - Mini advert for juggler - LO: To create persuasive sentences for an advert.<br /> Skill – LO: To use imperative verbs to persuade.<br /> Skill – LO: To identify and understand emotive language, and its effect on readers.<br /> Apprentice Write – LO: To improve a persuasive poster.<br /> Plan - LO: To design a persuasive leaflet.<br /> Plan - LO: To draft persuasive sentences for a leaflet.<br /> Create – LO: To write a persuasive leaflet for a circus act.<br /> Evaluate - LO: To gain feedback on my leaflet and make final improvements.<br /> Landing (If time allows): Invite real-life circus acts into school to perform to the children or chn to create their own talent show.</p> <p>All items are saved either as a pdf, powerpoint or word document.</p> <p>If you are about to start this wonderful book in your literacy lessons, this bundle could save you so much time! Everything is saved in a format so that you can edit as much or as little as you like.</p> <p>Please see my other Year 3/4 literacy resources for sale.</p>