US Constution and the Founding FathersQuick View

US Constution and the Founding Fathers

<p>Full PP lesson looking at debates surrounding the US Constitution in relation to the Founding Fathers.<br /> What did the Founding Fathers want to achieve from the Constitution?<br /> Has the US Constitution stood the test of time – Arguments AGAINST<br /> Has the US Constitution stood the test of time – Arguments FOR<br /> To what extent has the US Constitution been transformed beyond recognition of the wishes of the Founding Fathers? Arguments FOR and AGAINST</p>
US Election process - Election of VP / National Convention - Based around 2020 electionQuick View

US Election process - Election of VP / National Convention - Based around 2020 election

<p>A 20 slide powerpoint looking at the US Presidential election process. Picks up with deciding on the VP and moves on to look at the role of th National Conventions. Based around the 2020 election. Aldo includes a starter test and answers. Plenty of activities.</p> <p>Visual recap of early stages of election campaign.<br /> Picking the VP - process<br /> Factors affecting the choice of VP<br /> The perfect VP - task<br /> Outline of the National Conventions and what they set out to achieve<br /> Selecting the candidate for President at the National Convention<br /> Delegates and voting in the 2020 National Conventions x2<br /> Deciding the Party Platform - inc task<br /> Informal functions of the National Conventions<br /> Debate - arguments for and against National Conventions being important</p>
US Election Campaign Finance - Speculative 2024, main data from 2022Quick View

US Election Campaign Finance - Speculative 2024, main data from 2022

<p>Full PowerPoint lesson looking at US Election Campaign Finance - Speculative 2024, main data from 2022. Also includes a starter test (and answers) on related content</p> <p>Overview Factors affecting the outcomes of elections in the USA<br /> Importance of Campaign Finance - Source task<br /> What is Campaign Finance?<br /> Difference between hard and soft money<br /> Total spending on recent US Elections (speculative on 2024) x2<br /> Spending on mid term elections - graph<br /> Democratic V Republican Spending over last 10 years<br /> Which political party spent most on campaigns in 2022 elections<br /> Average cost of a Senate seat<br /> Top 5 most expensive Senate seats - 2022<br /> Average cost of a House seat<br /> Top 5 most expensive House seats - 2022<br /> Spending trends in 2022<br /> Spending on 2020 Presidential Election<br /> Source activity on the effects of money on campaigning<br /> WHY IS MONEY IMPORTANT IN ELECTION CASMPAIGNS –<br /> Overview of Campaign Finance legislation<br /> Source activity on restructions to Campaign Finance<br /> Public Funding - argumets for and against x4<br /> What is private funding?<br /> Biggest priovate funders in 2022<br /> Private Funding - PACs<br /> Private Funding - Super PACs<br /> Top 10 contributing PACs to Campaign funds in 2022 Elections<br /> Pacs and money and campaigning source activity x2<br /> Arguments in Favor of Unlimited Campaign Spending<br /> Arguments Against Unlimited Campaign Spending<br /> What was money spent on during 2022 election campaign</p>
Presidential Power - Imperial V Imperiled Presidency up to and Inc. Biden and Trump President RlectQuick View

Presidential Power - Imperial V Imperiled Presidency up to and Inc. Biden and Trump President Rlect

<p>40 slide powerpoint looking at the sources of direct authority of the US President and looking at the Imperial V Imperiled Presidency debate, Also includes a starter test and answers.</p> <p>What do we mean by Direct Authority and examples of it (overview)<br /> Executive Orders (info slide<br /> Executive orders - research task to discover latest order - Info provided upto end of Bidens term<br /> Number of Executive orders issued by recent Presidents (Inc. Biden)<br /> Obama Executive Orders cartoon analysis task<br /> Trump Executive Orders cartoon analysis task<br /> Statement signing - inc. link to video. List of recent Statements Signed<br /> Are statement signings legitimate - evidence<br /> Executive Agreements - What are they and research task<br /> Most recent examples of Executive Agreements<br /> Recess Appointments - Obama case specified. Inc. Link to video<br /> What factors can affect the power of a President?<br /> Is the President of the USA really that powerful?<br /> Introduction to theories on US Presidential power. What is an imperial President? What are the criteria.<br /> Imperial Presidency - Exam response mark scheme<br /> Examples of recent imperial Presidents - Nixon / Clinton / Bush / Obama / Trump / Biden<br /> Imperiled Presidency - Definition. Example of Carter<br /> ‘Bifurcated’ Presidency<br /> To what extent are the checks and balances on the President effective? Arguments for and against - 4 slides</p>
US Congress Structure (Updated to reflect 119th Congress, starting in January 2025)Quick View

US Congress Structure (Updated to reflect 119th Congress, starting in January 2025)

<p>Powerpoint looking at the structure and functions of Congress. Includes a starter test (and answers) + a workshett for one of the activities<br /> How was Congress established - Connecticut Compromise<br /> How was Congress established - Analysis of Article 1<br /> How was Congress established - election compromise<br /> Pictures of Capitol Hill x2<br /> Make up of Senate 118th &amp; 119th<br /> Senate map of the USA 118th &amp; 119th<br /> Make up of House 118th &amp; 119th<br /> House map of the USA 118th and 119th<br /> Make up of House - Constitutional analysis<br /> Make up of Senate - Constitutional analysis<br /> Make up of Congress - task<br /> Test x2 - with 2 slides of answers<br /> Learning check slide</p>
US Pressure Groups - Power and Influence of US Pressure Groups.  Good or bad for democracy?Quick View

US Pressure Groups - Power and Influence of US Pressure Groups. Good or bad for democracy?

<p>Powerpoint lesson looking at US Pressure Groups - Power and Influence of US Pressure Groups. Good or bad for democracy?<br /> Pressure Groups – Good or Bad for Democracy<br /> Pluralism V Elitism<br /> Pressure Groups – Good or Bad for Democracy<br /> Pressure Groups – Good or Bad for Democracy - Source activity<br /> Pressure Groups – Evidence FOR enhancing democracy<br /> Pressure Groups – Evidence AGAINST enhancing democracy<br /> Pressure Group Influence - Opposing groups is self-cancelling<br /> Pressure Group Influence - Who is more influential - Parties or Pressure Groups?<br /> Pressure Group Influence – How Politically Significant are Pressure Groups in the USA?<br /> Pressure Group Influence – factors affecting Pressure group Success x2<br /> Pressure Group Influence – How do Pressure Groups Influence Policy making<br /> Exam q and Indicative Content</p>
US Pressure Groups - Tactics - Methods to Influence.  Inc. Iron Triangles, Lobbying, LitigationQuick View

US Pressure Groups - Tactics - Methods to Influence. Inc. Iron Triangles, Lobbying, Litigation

<p>Full powerpoint lesson looking at US Pressure Groups - Tactics - Methods to Influence. Inc. Iron Triangles, Lobbying, Litigation.<br /> Lobbying<br /> Lobbying source task x4<br /> Pressure Group Tactics – Electioneering and Endorsement (Money)<br /> Pressure Group Tactics – Iron Triangles x4 - Including example of NRA. Also coverage of the Military, Industrial Comples<br /> Pressure Group Tactics – Litigation<br /> Pressure Group Tactics – Amicus Curiae<br /> Pressure Group Tactics – The Revolving Door<br /> Pressure Group Tactics – Direct Action<br /> Pressure Group Tactics- Washington Insiders<br /> Pressure Group Tactics – Grass roots Campaigns<br /> Pressure Group Methods – The three branches of Government (Access Points) x2<br /> Example Pressure Group in the USA – The National Rifle Association x2<br /> Exam Question with indicative content</p>
Ideological division within US Parties - Republican and Democratic factionsQuick View

Ideological division within US Parties - Republican and Democratic factions

<p>Ideological division within US Parties - Republican and Democratic factions<br /> A History of Factions?<br /> Factions of Republicans<br /> Factions in Democratic Party<br /> Intraparty Factions - Overview<br /> Social Conservative Republicans and the Christian Right<br /> Social Conservative Republicans and the House Freedom Caucus<br /> Fiscal Conservative Republicans<br /> The origin of Fiscal Conservative Republicans and the TEA PARTY<br /> Moderate / Social Liberal Republicans<br /> Progressive / Liberal Democrats<br /> Progressive / Liberal Democrats – The Congressional Progressive Caucus<br /> Centrist Democrats<br /> Conservative Democrats and the Blue Dog Coalition<br /> EXAM QUESTION<br /> EXAM QUESTION – INDICATIVE CONTENT</p>
The Republican and Democratic Parties.  Polarisation in US politics.Quick View

The Republican and Democratic Parties. Polarisation in US politics.

<p>Learning Intention:<br /> To understand what the two main parties stand for via their contemporary policies. To judge the degree of ideological polarisation of the two main political parties</p> <p>What is a Political Party<br /> Could the Democrats and Republicans be thought of as ideologically based in the 1950’s/60’s? x2<br /> Are Democrats Liberals and are Republicans Conservatives?<br /> Umbrella Parties? x2<br /> Range of Republicans<br /> Range of Democrats<br /> Consensus to Conflict?<br /> Southern Strategy as a factor in bringing about Polarisation x3<br /> Ideological Parties?<br /> Increasing Political Polarisation<br /> Causes of Political Polarisation x2<br /> Ideological American Politics - source activity x2<br /> Ideological Polarisation - info and source activities<br /> Evidence of Political Polarisation. Red America and Blue America<br /> Ideological Parties in the Modern Era?<br /> Ideological Parties – Overview of Republican Beliefs<br /> Ideological Parties – Overview of Democratic Party Beliefs<br /> Polarisation of America - Typical voter profile<br /> Evidence of Political Polarisation x5 - source activities<br /> Exam Question<br /> Self Assessment Indicative Content</p>
US Pressure Groups - Interest Groups - Types, Functions, Influence & Democracy (Pluralism V Elitism)Quick View

US Pressure Groups - Interest Groups - Types, Functions, Influence & Democracy (Pluralism V Elitism)

<p>A full lesson power point looking at US Pressure Groups - Interest Groups - Types, Functions, Influence and Democracy (Pluralism V Elitism)<br /> What is a Pressure Group?<br /> Pressure Group Typologies – Sectional or Interest<br /> Pressure Group Typologies – Cause or Promotional<br /> Pressure Groups - Classification by group status<br /> Key Pressure Groups in the USA - Activity<br /> Key Pressure Groups in the USA - answers<br /> Pluralism and Pressure Groups<br /> Extent of Pluralism via Pressure Groups in USA<br /> Extent of Pluralism via Pressure Groups in USA - source activity<br /> Functions of Pressure Groups in the USA<br /> Pressure Group Access Points and Influence in the USA<br /> Pressure Group Influence in the USA….reasons<br /> Exam Question<br /> Indicative Content</p>
Third / Minor Parties in the USAQuick View

Third / Minor Parties in the USA

<p>20 slide power point looking at third parties in the USA<br /> Guess the party - party logo activity x 2<br /> Why do the Republicans and Democrats dominate in the USA<br /> Third Parties in the USA - =Different types of minor parties<br /> Third Parties in the USA - =Different types of minor parties<br /> Third Parties in the House<br /> Third Parties at the State Level – US Governors by Party as at 2023<br /> Third Parties at State Level – State Legislatures by Party control as – Midterms 2023 x2<br /> Third Parties at the State Level – US State Legislature Members by Party as at 2023 x<br /> How Third Parties have influenced US policy and political debate and election outcomes<br /> Notable Third-Party Success<br /> Example Third Party Success - TEA PARTY<br /> Reasons for Third Parties lack of electoral success. STRUCTURAL ONE<br /> Why do third parties have such little electoral success– STRUCTURAL ONE - illustration<br /> Third Parties – reasons for poor electoral success – STRUCTURAL TWO &amp; THREE<br /> Why do third parties have such poor electoral success – STRUCTURAL FOUR &amp; FIVE &amp; SIX<br /> Why do third parties have such little electoral success – IDELOGICAL<br /> Why do third parties have such little electoral success – Source task<br /> EXAM QUESTION<br /> EXAM QUESTION - Indicative Content</p>
Two Party System in the USA - Dominance of Republican and Democratic PartyQuick View

Two Party System in the USA - Dominance of Republican and Democratic Party

<p>20 slide powerpoint looking at the Two Party System in the USA.</p> <p>What is a two party system?<br /> The Founding Fathers and Political Parties<br /> Beginning of the Two Party System -– The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists<br /> Two Political Parties throught the history of the USA<br /> Two Party Dominance in Presidential Elections<br /> The Two Party System at Congressional Level x3<br /> Independents and Minor Parties represented in the Senate<br /> The Two Party System at Congressional Level x2<br /> Independents and Minor Parties represented in the House<br /> Two Party Dominance at the State Level – US Governors by Party as at 2023<br /> Tat the State Level – State Legislatures by Party control as – Midterms 2023 x2<br /> Two Party Dominance at the State Level – US State Legislature Members by Party as at 2023<br /> Advantages of a Two – Party System<br /> Disadvantages of a Two – Party System<br /> Why does the USA have a Two – Party System. STRUCTURAL ONE<br /> Why does the USA have a Two – Party System – STRUCTURAL ONE - Illustration<br /> Why does the USA have a Two – Party System – STRUCTURAL TWO &amp; THREE<br /> Why does the USA have a Two – Party System – STRUCTURAL FOUR &amp; FIVE &amp; SIX<br /> Why does the USA have a Two – Party System – IDELOGICAL<br /> EXAM QUESTION<br /> EXAM QUESTION - Indicative Content</p>
Party Organisation - The Republicans and the DemocratsQuick View

Party Organisation - The Republicans and the Democrats

<p>Learning Intent:<br /> To understand the organisation structure of the Republican and Democratic Party. To assess the impact of each parties organisational structure<br /> What is a Political Party?<br /> Political Party Organisation in the USA – An Overview x2<br /> Republican National Committee<br /> Republican National Committee – Affiliated Committees<br /> Democrat National Committee x2<br /> S The National Convention x3<br /> Party Platform Creation<br /> Are National Conventions important<br /> State Level Organisation<br /> Local Level Organisation - Inc. Party Machines</p>
Political Party Systems in the USA.  Development of Democrats & Republicans from creation to presentQuick View

Political Party Systems in the USA. Development of Democrats & Republicans from creation to present

<p>20 slide power point covering the 5 political party systems in the USA from the creation of the first political parties to the current political parties.<br /> What is a Political Party and who are the main parties in the USA?<br /> Overview of history US Political Parties (main two) Inc, video link<br /> 1st Political System - The First Political Parties – The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Inc video link. X2 slides<br /> 2nd Party System 1828 - 1854 <br /> 2nd Political System 1828 - 1854 - The Democrats and the Whigs x2 slides<br /> 3rd Political System 1854 - 1896 - The Republicans and Democrats - map work<br /> 3rd Political System 1854 - 1896 - The Republicans and Democrats<br /> 4th Political System 1896 - 1932 - The Republicans and Democrats<br /> 5th Political System 1932 - 1960 - The Republicans and Democrats x2. Inc video link<br /> 6th Political System 1960’s – to present? - The Republicans and Democrats x5 slides…looking at incrased polarisation<br /> List of Republican and Democrat Presidents</p>
Elections to US Congress (Inc. Mid Term 2022 Review) + practice questionsQuick View

Elections to US Congress (Inc. Mid Term 2022 Review) + practice questions

<p>31 slide PP looking at Congressional Elections with some past exam questions. Also includes a starter test (and answers) on related content.</p> <p>Overview of Congressional Elections Inc. Video link<br /> Constitutional rules for elections to House and Senate<br /> Picture of election timescales.<br /> Stages in Congressional Elections<br /> What is a Mid-Term Election?<br /> Voter turn out in 2022 Mid Terms<br /> US Senate Seats after 2022 Mid Terms<br /> US Senate Election Map after 2022 Mid Terms - Map<br /> US House of Representative Seats after 2022 Mid Terms<br /> US House of Representatives Election Map after 2022 Mid Terms - Map<br /> Congressional Elections Cartoon Source<br /> Fundraising in 2018<br /> Overview of 118th Congress<br /> Trends in Congressional Elections x3 - Source activities<br /> Coattailing in elections<br /> Split ticket voting<br /> Split ticket voting question<br /> Split ticket voting - indicative content<br /> Exam Question and answer on the process of Presidential and Congressional elections</p>
US Congress - Functions and Powers.  US Gov and PoliticsQuick View

US Congress - Functions and Powers. US Gov and Politics

<p>20 slide powerpoint presentation looking at the functions and powers of Congress. Also includes a starter test (and answers) as well as an illustration of how laws are passed.</p> <p>Powers of Congress - Cartoon analysis<br /> Overview of Congress - Functions and Powers x2<br /> Represent - info slide<br /> Legislate - Info slide<br /> Oversight - x2 - Info slides<br /> The Constitution and Powers of Congress - info<br /> Exclusive and concurrent powers of the two chambers<br /> Powers of Congress - activity<br /> Elastic clause - info and activity<br /> Explanation of the significance of some of the powers of Congress<br /> More detail on concurrent powers - info slide<br /> Power of the purse<br /> How Congress checks the executive<br /> How Congress checks the Judicial branch<br /> Powers of Congress - cartoon - task.</p>
US Presidential Election 2020 - TWO FULL LESSONSQuick View

US Presidential Election 2020 - TWO FULL LESSONS

<p>Lesson 1 - Primaries to Election Day 2020. 24 slide PP providing overview of the key moments in the campaign<br /> Candidates by party in June 2021 - Democrat and Republican x3<br /> Smaller parties and the 2020 Presidential Election<br /> The election year - an overview<br /> Democrat Primary / Caucus<br /> Republican Primary Caucus<br /> Candidates get eliminated…example stories<br /> Campaign finance of Republican candidates<br /> Incumbancy and its effect on the nomination process<br /> Iowa causus result - Democrats and Republicans<br /> New hampshire - Democrats<br /> New Hampshire - Republicans<br /> Super Tuesday - March 3rd 2020<br /> Joe Biden - Key takeaways<br /> Bernie Sanders - Key takeaways<br /> Mike Bloomberg - Key takeaways<br /> Elizabeth Warren - Key takeaways<br /> Opinion polls prior to election<br /> Lets get ready…Trump V Biden</p> <p>LESSON 2 - Results of the 2020 Presidential Election<br /> Facts about the 2020 Presidential Election<br /> Overview of results of 2020 election inc. video link<br /> Election 2020 in maps<br /> Voter turnout in 2020 comapred to other elections<br /> Voter turnout by categpry compared to other elections<br /> Voter turnout by race at 2020 election<br /> Key voter trends of the 2020 election<br /> Voting by race and education<br /> Geography as a feature of the 2020 election<br /> Factors that led to Trumps defeat x2<br /> Trumps refusal to accept the election result x3<br /> Bidens innaugaration</p>
Primaries / Caucus in USA.  Focus on 2024 INCLUDING Super Tuesday.  Explanation of full processQuick View

Primaries / Caucus in USA. Focus on 2024 INCLUDING Super Tuesday. Explanation of full process

<p>Full PP lesson looking at Primaries / Caucus in USA. Based around 2024 Election INCLUDING Super Tuesday. Explanation of full process. Also looks at Maine and Colorado decisions + Supreme Court decision regarding Trump. Also includes a starter test (and answers) on related content.</p> <p>When do Presidential elections take place? Info slide<br /> What are the basic requirements to become President of the USA? Info slides x2<br /> Create your ideal Presidential candidate exercise.<br /> Overview of stages in the Presidential Election x2 - info and activity.<br /> What are invisible primaries - info slide<br /> Invisible Primaries - key determinants exercise<br /> Finance and the 2024 nomination process<br /> Democratic candidates for the 2024 nomination<br /> Republican candidates for the 2024 nominaion<br /> What are Primaries and caucuses - info slide - Inc. video link.<br /> Third Parties and nominating Presidential candidates<br /> History of Primaries / Caucuses - info slide<br /> Different types of Primaries x2 - info slides<br /> Number of delegates for each party<br /> Number of delegates to win for each party<br /> The first Primary and Caucuses - Iowa and New Hampshire - Cartoon exercise x2<br /> Overview of Primaries and the 2024 nomination process x3<br /> Democrat and Republican Primary results at different stages of the year for the 2024 nomination. Inc. Results in Iows and New Hampshire.<br /> What is Super Tuesday - who will vote 2024<br /> A word about Trump and the 2024 Election x2 - Main and Colorado + Latest from Supreme Court<br /> Super Tuesday 5th March 2024 - Delegates up for grabs. Results.<br /> Look back to final stages of the 2020 election x4<br /> Do primaries actually choose the presidential candidates or just confirm the front runners from the invisible primaries? - Indicative content<br /> What are the advantages and disadvantages of primaries? - Indicative Content<br /> Possible ways to improve the nomination process<br /> De Ja Vue?</p>
Congress - Influences on How members vote 1 - Political Parties.Quick View

Congress - Influences on How members vote 1 - Political Parties.

<p>Full lesson powerpoint looking at Congress - Influences on How members vote 1 - Political Parties. It also includes a starter test (and answers) as well as a handout looking at what it means to be a Reopublican or a Democrat.<br /> What are the influences on how a member of Congress votes - overview<br /> Importance of political party ties - overview of partisanship<br /> Table showing increasing partisanship in Congressional votes - task<br /> Table showing votes on budget and increased partisanship - task<br /> History of partisanship - info slide x2<br /> Why has partisanship increased - info slide<br /> Gerrymandering - info slide<br /> Gerrymandering task x3 slides<br /> Is partiosanship really that strong - info slide<br /> Overview of the importance of political parties in Congress - arguments for and against<br /> Gridlock x2 slides</p>