<p>This is an example a level comparative coursework piece graded at 38\40. The texts used in this are the prime of miss Jean Brodie and the history boys.</p>
<p>This is an a-level coursework piece for the poetry anthology unit in the OCR English literature course. The main poem is Medusa with connections to other pieces in Carol Ann Duffy’s anthology.</p>
<code>This is an A* model answer essay for the OCR A level English Literature Comparative and Contextual study paper 2 Text comparison question. This answers the critic comment “Most dystopian texts are intended to act as warning to society.” It compares the ideas used in Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Orwell's 1984. </code>
<p>This is a model essay example of the whole text 1984 question. Answers the critic’s quote “Despite the terrible sense of hopelessness and despair, 1984 is primarily a novel about love” . Suitable for year 12 and 13 English Lietrtaure students. Dystopian fiction grade A example. OCR A Level English Literature paper 2.</p>
<p>Essay length: 996 words</p>
<p>This is an example essay which was written in timed exam conditions for the critic’s quote “The presence of Malvolio renders the play more tragic than comedic”. A Level English Literature OCR Paper 1, Shakespeare whole text question Twelfth Night. Suitable for year 12 and 13 sixth form students. Structure of essay can also be helpful for other students studying different texts.</p>
<p>essay length: 1093 words</p>
<p>This is an A-A* comparative essay model answer. This was written for the OCR A Level English Literature Comparative and Contextual study paper 2. This covers the theme of freedom and answers the comment ‘Dystopian fiction shows us the shock of losing freedoms which have been taken for granted.’ for Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Orwell’s 1984.</p>
<p>Model essay answer for OCR Duchess of Malfi at A level English Literature. A* student answer example to question “‘Temptation arises from a willingness to be tempted’. In the light of this view, consider ways in which Webster presents temptation in Act 1.” Suitable for A level english literature students.</p>
<p>Compartative and Contextual Study - Dystopia, OCR A Level English Literature notes. These cover quotes from The Handmiad’s Tale and 1984 and critic’s quotes needed for section B of the OCR a level paper 2 exam.</p>
<p>This includes resources like notes, quotes and example question answers for the OCR A level English Literature Paper 1 Drama and Poetry exam. This specifically includes The Duchess of Malfi. Paradise Lost and Twelfth Night but the same layout of questions can be used for any other module.</p>
<p>Key notes on the play Duchess of Malfi. Includes key scenes, quotes, themes, performances and characters in the entire play. Suitable for A level English Literature students</p>
<p>A* Student model answer for question :" ‘Foolish acts and their consequences are an important part of literature’ In the light of this view, consider ways in which the writer explores human folly and its effects.". Suitable for A level English Literature students</p>
<p>Model essay answer for La Casa De Bernarda Alba. Question: “¿Cómo es posible que identifiquemos esta obra con la Andaluciade principios del siglo XX?” Student answer. Suitable for A level Spanish students AQA</p>
<p>This is a document of notes with text quotes and critic’s comments for The Duchess of Malfi and Paradise lost (section B) and Twelfth Night (section A) necessary for OCR A Level English Literature Paper 1 exam.</p>
<p>Report explaining the differences between privatisation and nationalisation which gives an introduction to year 12/13 economics students. Includes real statistics and facts.</p>
<p>This is a short report that describes and explains the effects that migration can have on an economy. It includes graphs and full sentence answers. Suitable for A level economics students</p>
<p>This is an A* example of a student essay answering the question “To what extent will the actions set out by the Chancellor of the Exchequer lead to economic growth?”. 12 mark question answer suitable for A level economics courses.</p>
<p>This report covers the basics on the UK economy including GDP, tax rates and includes graphs, facts and statistics. Suitable for year 12/13 economics students</p>
<p>Student-written article including facts and statistics about he UK food shortages in 2021 following the COVID pandemc. SUitable for A-level economics students year 12/13</p>
<p>‘We’ - yevgeny Zamyatin Book notes. These include key themes, quotes and gives possible examples. Suitable for A level English Literature students. Relates to Dystopia fiction comparison module in the OCR curriculum</p>