Fantasy Narrative Writing Full SoWQuick View

Fantasy Narrative Writing Full SoW

Full SoW aimed at developing narrative writing in the fantasy genre. Created for use with Y8 but would work for all of KS3 and KS4. Each lesson contains starter which recaps prior knowledge (through quizzing, etc.), word of the lesson to develop vocabulary, modelling (including pre-written examples), writing tasks (with images to prompt) and plenary to assess learning. Notes are provided for teachers. Masterclass lesson is available to purchase alone if other lessons are not required. Crafting Similes lesson (L04) is also available for free download. Includes the following lessons and resources: L00 - Masterclass L01 - Introduction to Fantasy Conventions L02 - Openings and Narrative Voice L03 - Zooming In and Out L04 - Crafting Similes L05 - Crafting Metaphors L06 - Slow Writing and Checkpoint Assessment L07 - Building Tension and DiRT L08 - Using Personification and Developing Agency L09 - Using Alliteration for Effect L10 - Creating an Interesting Structure L11 - Preparation for Final Assessment L12 - Final Assessment Isolation Booklet
Shakespeare's Villains Full SoWQuick View

Shakespeare's Villains Full SoW

SoW intended to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Shakespeare’s character types (specifically villains) in preparation for their study of Shakespeare at KS4. Created for Y9 but would be suitable for lower KS3 with adaptations. 17 lessons focusing on 3 different Shakespearean plays (King Lear, Hamlet, and The Tempest). SoW includes checkpoint assessment, DiRT, and final assessment. Focus is on developing AO3 through understanding of context and its applications to extracts. The Tempest Analysis lesson is available to download for free. SoW also includes notes for teachers on each play (key ideas, plot summary, contextual factors) for those who may be unfamiliar with texts or who are teaching them for the first time. L00: Notes on each play for teachers to refer to when teaching L01-02: Context (Crime in Shakespearean England) L03-06: King Lear (Plot, Analysis, Debate, Consolidation) L07-10: Hamlet (Plot, Analysis, Debate, Consolidation) L11-12: Checkpoint and DiRT (Focus on Hamlet) L13-15: The Tempest (Plot, Analysis, Debate) L16: The Tempest Consolidation and Preparation for Final Assessment L17: Final Assessment
Introduction to Creative Writing Masterclass KS3Quick View

Introduction to Creative Writing Masterclass KS3

Lesson and resources focused on reminding students of key elements of writing (punctuation, sentence types, structural features and linguistic devices). Designed for Y8 students to remind them of prior learning and provide basis for scaffolding further learning and building skills. Would also work for Y7 and Y9, or lower ability KS4. Engaging and easily adaptable. Part of a larger ‘Fantasy Writing’ scheme of work (also available on TES).
Creative Writing WorksheetQuick View

Creative Writing Worksheet

‘I Do, We Do, You Do’ worksheet aimed at developing students’ skills in creative writing and using linguistic devices. Created for use with KS3 but would also work well with KS4. Part of Masterclass lesson and Fantasy Writing SoW. Image is of a fantasy setting but could easily be changed if focussing on other genres.
The Tempest Analysis LessonQuick View

The Tempest Analysis Lesson

Lesson analysing extracts from ‘The Tempest’ (Act 1, Scene 2 and Act 3, Scene 2), with a focus on the presentation of Caliban as a villain. Preceded by lessons focusing on context and general plot of the play, along with analysis of other plays as part of a ‘Shakespeare’s Villains’ SoW.
Crafting Similes Lesson (Fantasy Writing)Quick View

Crafting Similes Lesson (Fantasy Writing)

Lesson aimed at developing the crafting of similes in the fantasy genre. Created for use with Y8 but would work for all of KS3 and KS4. Part of a larger “Fantasy Writing” SoW (also available on Tes).
Notes for Teaching ShakespeareQuick View

Notes for Teaching Shakespeare

Teaching notes for three of Shakespeare’s plays (King Lear, Hamlet and The Tempest). Designed as part of a ‘Shakespeare’s Villains’ SoW. Features notes about the villain and their key attributes, along with links to contextual factors, links to Macbeth, and a plot summary.