iGCSE English Literature - 1984 Chapter 1-8 Lessons (Book 1)Quick View

iGCSE English Literature - 1984 Chapter 1-8 Lessons (Book 1)

<p>Here are 10 lessons to accompany the first 8 chapters to Orwell’s 1984.</p> <p>This has been created with the iGCSE Spec in mind, with its first examination taking place next year.</p> <p>I could NOT for the life of me find anything suitable on TES. Lots of lesson which look pretty but no model responses or anything suitable for the iGCSE requirements.</p> <p>You’ll find lessons which focus on character, themes and most importantly, the language. Everything that is needed for the kids to suceed.</p> <p>They’ve taken me a long time, so I hope they help.</p> <p>I’ll upload the lessons for Book 2 and 3 once I’ve completed them.</p>
Roald Dahl - The Landlady Scheme of work (AO2 focus)Quick View

Roald Dahl - The Landlady Scheme of work (AO2 focus)

A fun and engaging scheme of work based around one of my favourite short stories by Roald Dahl.<br /> <br /> I created this scheme of work for my Year 8 set 1 class; however, it could easily be differentiated for lower ability classes. I've endeavoured for the scheme and activities within to have a strong focus on developing pupils' AO2 skills.<br /> <br /> The SoW guides you through the text with a focus on how Dahl creates tension as well as including activities to get the pupils thinking deeply about the characters and themes Dahl presents - all with a focus on analysing language - something which my pupils often struggle with!<br /> <br /> I've chucked some fun templates in at the end (Facebook profile, Trip Advisor template, diary paper etc.) which could be used to break up the language analysis stuff.<br /> <br /> I've put a lot of effort into this, so hopefully it will be useful for those who get the opportunity to teach this fantastic story.
Year 7 - Travel Writing Scheme of WorkQuick View

Year 7 - Travel Writing Scheme of Work

<p>Here’s a fresh and exciting SoW which looks at Travel Writing. Students ‘travel’ to five different continents and each lesson is based on a particular destination / country in that continent.</p> <p>Lots of fun activities and opportunities for students to develop their writing skills.</p> <p>Although there’s just 13 powerpoints, the content, in many cases, will stretch over a couple of several lessons. I’ll be using this for the first half of T3 (so 5 weeks worth of teaching)</p> <p>Sorry if there’s any typos. I’ve spotted one already. (I’m human!!)</p>
The Great Gatsby Full Scheme of WorkQuick View

The Great Gatsby Full Scheme of Work

<p>Here is a full scheme of work for Fitzgerald’s fantastic novel, The Great Gatsby.</p> <p>The scheme and activities within very much focus on the skills needed to succeed with the English Language Component 1 paper (WJEC), particularly AO2.</p> <p>A lot of love and effort has gone into this scheme and my pupils have really enjoyed it!</p> <p>This SoW was made for my Year 9s (a very bright set 1 class), but it certainly could be differentiated to suit other abilities.</p> <p>There are lots of model starters and responses to really try and push the students and to enable them to develop their reading skills with the key learning objectives in mind. There’s a big focus on using subject terminology also.</p> <p>The scheme covers all 9 chapters.</p> <p>Apologies if there are any slight errors!</p> <p>Thanks, and enjoy :)</p>
iGCSE English Literature - 1984 Chapter 1-10 Lessons (Book 2)Quick View

iGCSE English Literature - 1984 Chapter 1-10 Lessons (Book 2)

<p>Hi All,</p> <p>As promised here are the lessons for BOOK 2. Note that some chapters have been combined due to some chapters being significantly shorter.</p> <p>Thank you for all of your kind words regarding the scheme. It is a work in progress and has taken me a long time to create. My students are currently really enjoying it and it’s great to see the progress they are making skills wise.</p> <p>I do apologise if their are any careless errors (typos and what not-hey I’m human!)</p> <p>I have set aside the whole term to complete the scheme, so I have about 7 weeks to complete the rest of the book!</p> <p>BOOK 3 lessons will be started very soon!</p>
Animal Farm English Language Component 1 skillsQuick View

Animal Farm English Language Component 1 skills

A full scheme of work for Animal Farm with a big focus on component 1 skills, particularly that pesky AO2.<br /> <br /> I have used this with my top set year 8; however, it could easily be adapted.<br /> <br /> Scheme could also be used for AQA and whole novel study.<br /> <br /> There are lots of engaging activities and model responses included.<br /> <br /> Apologies for any errors.
An Inspector Calls Important Quotes AO2 explorationQuick View

An Inspector Calls Important Quotes AO2 exploration

A simple table which looks at a selection of pertinent quotes from An Inspector Calls. The table is divided into several columns: ACT, CHARACTER, POINT, EVIDENCE, AO2 EXPLORATION.<br /> <br /> I've used this to help my year 11s with developing their AO2 skills.<br /> <br /> Hopefully, it will save someone else the job of doing some similar :)<br /> <br /> Thanks
DNA - Dennis Kelly - Year 9 Scheme of Work (Act 1)Quick View

DNA - Dennis Kelly - Year 9 Scheme of Work (Act 1)

<p>Here is a fresh scheme of work tailoired towards Year 9 middle ability. It hasn’t been written for any exam board in particularly, but it allows students to develop their reading skills.</p> <p>There are five powerpoints which cover the first Act. Most, if not all, powerpoints will span over a couple of lessons.</p> <p>I’ll be doing lessons for each scene. It will eventually be a 5 week scheme (or thereabouts!)</p> <p>Stay tuned.</p>