<p>In this PDF, you can find a set of 25 exercises to help students apply their knowledge on algebra of combined events.<br />
In the first 18, exercises are given more in words.<br />
This was done, to familiarize students with the combined events.<br />
They will first need to draw a Venn diagram, or visualize it to understand which combined event they are looking for and then apply the proper formula.<br />
The last 7 exercises are written in more symbolic representation.</p>
<p>In this PDF, you can find a set of 10 exercises on which you are asked to find the slope field of a differential equation, given the differential equation and a set of 10 points.</p>
<p>This PDF is broken down in parts. In each part, each one of the criteria is presented in a clear way.<br />
The PDF is entirely focused on the case of an IA focused on the correlation between two variables.<br />
I begin by some tips that may help you excel on each criterion, escorted by clear examples and reasoning on why this would add points.<br />
in the majority of the criteria, I use an example on a supposed correlation between weight and height.<br />
Finally, each section ends with a list of things to avoid.</p>