Alice In Wonderland - Cover or Reading LessonQuick View

Alice In Wonderland - Cover or Reading Lesson

<p>Alice in Wonderland Worksheet:</p> <ol> <li>Reading</li> <li>Questions (reciproal reading skills working on vocabulary and comprehension)</li> <li>Creative writing</li> <li>SPaG work</li> </ol> <p>Aimed at year 7, KS3.</p> <p>Formatted to be accessible for EAL, SEN students. Formatted to reduce cognitive load for students.</p>
Anecdote Worksheet English LanguageQuick View

Anecdote Worksheet English Language

<p>English Language non-fiction reading and writing resource to build understanding an awareness of how to identify and use anecdotes in persuasive non-fiction writing.</p> <p>Can be completed as cover work, homework or in lesson.</p> <p>Pitched for top level of KS3 or bottom level of KS4.</p> <p>Work is formatted in Arial size 12 to support EAL and dyslexic students.</p>
Creative Writing Practice Using Freytag's PyramidQuick View

Creative Writing Practice Using Freytag's Pyramid

<p>Creative writing practice using Freytag’s Pyramid and a picture prompt for planning.</p> <p>Students are encouraged to practice their skills for planning, writing and then editing a high quality story in response to a picture prompt.</p> <p>This resource is desinged as low stakes practice for AQA Creative Writing for English Language Fiction.</p> <p>Students are encouraged to use new and ambitious vocabulary.</p> <p>Pitched at KS3.</p>