Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Quote Bank
<p>Quote Bank and Critical Readings for ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ by Thomas Hardy.<br />
Contains 204 key quotes, categorised by the following themes:</p>
<p>Injustice, Inevitability and Fate (Including Foreshadowing)<br />
Nature and Modernity (Including Environment / Setting)<br />
Standards and Class / Victorian Society<br />
Religion (and Omens / the Supernatural)<br />
Women and Femininity (and associated traits)<br />
Men and Masculinity (and associated traits)<br />
Relationships (Positive & Negative) (Including Familial)<br />
Loss (Including, the impacts of death, abandonment, Tess’ rape and a loss of autonomy)<br />
Thomas Hardy (Intrusive Narrator)<br />
Tropes of Victorian Literature (Including Gothic)</p>
<p>Created for A Level English Literature (Edexcel)</p>