5 Year Flight Plan for Music (9-1 Grades)Quick View

5 Year Flight Plan for Music (9-1 Grades)

This document outlines the 5 year flight plan from the outset of Year 7 to the new GCSE in Music (relevant for all boards). The assessment criteria are outlined for each year group using the GCSE vocabulary of Appraising, Composing and Performing. It explains what each 9-1 grade looks like in Yr 7, 8, 9 and at GCSE. Can be used for teacher assessment, showing criteria to students and parents, and/or display.
New GCSE Performing CriteriaQuick View

New GCSE Performing Criteria

Useful for practice performances. The new AQA GCSE performance criteria for students to read and use to track their performance progress.
AS Music Tech bookletQuick View

AS Music Tech booklet

A booklet I give to students at the beginning of the year. It contains the mark scheme for each piece in the portfolio. I also attach a draft log book to the back so they complete it as they go, and then only have to write up a 'neat' copy before submitting their portfolio.