Dance/ Musicals/ Musical TheatreQuick View

Dance/ Musicals/ Musical Theatre

<p>This is a SOW aimed at KS3 Students that is designed to help students understand what the term Musicals/ Musical Theatre is. It looks at the history of musical theatre and the different sub genres.</p> <p>This SOW is built up of theory and practical tasks to help students understand the term musicals and know how dance is used to portray meaning within them.</p> <p>The two main musical that students will practically explore are ‘Matilda’ and ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Students will have the opportunity to learn choreography from both musicals and them develop their own choreography based on the specific styles and genres.</p>
Street dance SOW Emancipation of ExpressionismQuick View

Street dance SOW Emancipation of Expressionism

<p>SOW aimed at KS3/KS4- This SOW develops pupils understanding of the history of street dance and where it came from. Pupils will get the opportunity to develop skills and techniques used in hip hop, voguing, house and breaking.</p> <p>This SOW comes with videos to help you learn the skills and techniques of the specific dance styles.</p> <p>This SOW also examines Emancipation of Expressionism and allows pupils to develop their understanding of the professional performance.</p>
How to work as a professional dancer/ performerQuick View

How to work as a professional dancer/ performer

<p>This SOW develops students understanding of how to work as professionals. It is designed to broaden their understanding of the importance of a warm up and how to structure an effective warm up. It also gives students the opportunity to work in a professional when learning new choreography.</p> <p>This SOW is a PowerPoint presentation aimed at KS3/KS4 and is made up of 5 individual lessons that are mainly practical based with some self and peer assessment throughout.</p>
Reviewing Live TheatreQuick View

Reviewing Live Theatre

<p>This SOW is designed to develop pupils understanding of how to review live theatre performances based on elements such as, costume, lighting, sound, set/ stage and dance movement.</p> <p>This SOW is aimed at year 9,10 and 11 as it helps with the BTEC Performing Arts component 1.</p> <p>In this SOW pupils will look at all design and performance elements using to create performances and develop an understanding of the impact these elements have on the overall performance.</p> <p>The performances that are displayed in this SOW are A Linha Curva, Revelations and All that Jazz.</p>