IGCSE History CIE: Why did International Peace Collapsed by 1939?Quick View

IGCSE History CIE: Why did International Peace Collapsed by 1939?

This copy of notes is suitable for studying IGCSE- CIE History: Option B The twentieth century: international relations since 1919 It also included SOME of the past paper questions and sample answer. It summarized the core content 2 [Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?] Long-term consequences of the peace treaties of 1919-2 Consequences of the failures of the League of Nations in the 1930s How far was Hitler’s foreign policy to blame for the outbreak of war in 1939? Could the policy of appeasement be justified at the time? What was the Nazi-Soviet Pact? Why did the WWII Started?
IGCSE History CIE: Hitler’s Consolidation of Power / Life in Nazi GermanyQuick View

IGCSE History CIE: Hitler’s Consolidation of Power / Life in Nazi Germany

This copy of notes is suitable for studying IGCSE- CIE History: Depth Studies: Germany, 1918–45 It include SOME of the past paper questions of the topics: Hitler’s Consolidations of Power & Life in Nazi Germany It also includes the struture of doing Paper 4 - 15 and 25 marker How did Hitler consolidate his power in 1933–34? How effectively did the Nazis control Germany, 1933–45? How much opposition was there to the Nazi regime? How effectively did the Nazis deal with their political opponents? How did the Nazis use culture and the mass media to control the people? Why did the Nazis persecute many groups in German society? Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? What was it like to live in Nazi Germany? How did young people react to the Nazi regime? How successful were Nazi policies towards women and the family? Did most people in Germany benefit from Nazi rule? How did the coming of war change life in Nazi Germany?
OCR B Geography- Urban FuturesQuick View

OCR B Geography- Urban Futures

This copy of notes is suitable for studying GCSE- OCR B Geography: Paper 2 People and Society It summarized the core content 1 [Urban Futures] How is the global pattern of urbanisation changing What does rapid urbanisation mean for cities? What is life like for people in a city? How can cities become more sustainable?
IGCSE History CIE- Were the peace treaties of 1919-1923 fairQuick View

IGCSE History CIE- Were the peace treaties of 1919-1923 fair

This copy of notes is suitable for studying IGCSE- CIE History: Option B The twentieth century: international relations since 1919 It summarized the core content 1 [Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?] Was the Treaty of Versailles fair What were the motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles? What were the main aims of the “Big 3” leaders involved in the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and how happy were they with the end result? Why did the victors not get everything they wanted? Could the Treaty be justified at the time?