<p>An alternative to the traditional KS1 Christmas Nativity that celebrates diversity and multi-culturalism - <strong>Christmas Around the World</strong>.<br />
Join Santa’s journey around our planet as he helps all of the boys and girls celebrate Christmas and learn about each countries celebrations on the way.</p>
<p>Included is the presentation production with all songs linked and entertaining gifs, songs (MP3 and MP4 from Youtube - I do not own any right to these songs), fonts used in word document (I do not own any right to the fonts either), and speaking parts.</p>
<p>Small Nativity scene included in lead up to Reception class performance, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star!”.<br />
Feel free to edit and change anything to include your school’s diverse culture.</p>
<p>Parents loved our Christmas Performance and I hope yours will too!</p>
<p>Cute and functional rainbow watercolour themed Peg labels.<br />
Font used; <a href="http://dafont.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">dafont.com</a> - kathen font<br />
If you need help installing or using the font, please just message after purchase. :)</p>
<p>Numbers 0 - 10 with different representations, including words.<br />
If you would like an editable version after purchase or any alterations please just message me and let me know. :)</p>
<p>A lovely visual display for counting in 2s and 5s in a rainbow watercolour theme.<br />
If you would like an editable version after purchase or any alterations please just message me and let me know. :)</p>
<p>Coloured labels in a rainbow watercolour theme for use of display, pencil pots, arts storage etc.<br />
If you would like an editable version after purchase or any alterations please just message me and let me know. :)</p>
<p>A cute and functional alphabet banner with both lowercase and uppercase letters in a rainbow watercolour theme.<br />
If you would like an editable version after purchase or any alterations (including cursive or precursive fonts) please just message me and let me know. :)</p>
<p>Labels for each of your subject display boards in a rainbow watercolour theme.<br />
If you would like an editable version after purchase or any alterations please just message me and let me know. :)</p>
<p>Labels for levelled readers and reading for enjoyment topics in a rainbow watercolour theme for your book corner.<br />
If you would like an editable version after purchase or any alterations please just message me and let me know. :)</p>
<p>Name labels for tables or trays in a rainbow watercolour theme.<br />
Font used: <a href="http://dafont.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">dafont.com</a> - kathen font<br />
If you need help installing or using the font after purchase, please just message and let me know :)</p>
<p>A cute template for a positive note home.<br />
PDF - “My teacher thinks I’m awesome because…”<br />
Editable Word Doc - “________ thinks I’m awesome because…”<br />
Font used on editable word document - <a href="http://dafont.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">dafont.com</a> - kg primary penmanship font<br />
If help needed to install and use font please message, I will be happy to help :)<br />
Print on coloured card for ultimate impact (and low printing costs).</p>
<p>A mini 2 week unit for teaching writing alongside the book Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percvial.<br />
Ideas from Power of Reading, images from google and videos from Youtube.<br />
All activites differentiated and planning included.</p>