A guide to the main criticisms for A level studies of King Lear. A03 criticisms are the key to the top grades. So here is the main categories explained.
A detailed PowerPoint setting out a plan to follow in order to write a detailed essay on Eye Witness Testimony. Then followed by slides describing each element of the plan using studies/evaluation which should be included in the essay. For the WJEC spec, PSYCHOLOGY A2. Paper 4.
A presentation to show the correct way to answer Ethical issues in the use of human participants for an A level grade. From providing this answer I achieved an A grade in Research Methods Psychology.
A presentation to show the correct way to answer Disadvantages of the use of the scientific method for an A level grade. From providing this answer I achieved an A grade in Research Methods Psychology.
A detailed 80 slide PowerPoint with each topic of Nazi Germany explored and key statistics noted. Also includes past paper questions to try and example answers. Great Revision tool for GCSE/A level Nazi Germany. Revising from this powerpoint helped towards my A grade in my Nazi Germany exam.
can be used as a revision aid for pupils or by teachers to help guide there pupils into typical exam answers. some involve questions that would be asked in the exams so is a great revision tool.
can be used as a useful revision tool for students, or by teachers to help aid students into an understanding about law and order. Very detailed and precise information and reliable.