Piaget’s Theory of Development DisplayQuick View

Piaget’s Theory of Development Display

<p>A3 PDF display poster linked to GCSE OCR Psychology (or other appropriate spec) to support students studying developmental psychology.</p> <p>Can be resized in computer settings before printing.</p> <p>Please check print settings prior to printing</p>
Sociology Globalisation of Country Music DisplayQuick View

Sociology Globalisation of Country Music Display

<p>A3 PDF display poster linked globalisation and how country music (media) has become a global trend due to globalisation and the growing popularity among celebrities which are now making it part if popular culture.</p> <p>Poster demonstartes history if country to present day impact of globalisation</p> <p>Can be resized in computer settings before printing.</p> <p>Please check print settings prior to printing</p>
Sociology Sticker PackQuick View

Sociology Sticker Pack

<p>A template containing 5 different designs of sociology stickers! Template is suitable for 32mm sticker paper 40 stickers per sheet.</p>
AQA A Level Sociology Education : (25 lessons & guided reading lesson pack with x3 DEA Booklets)Quick View

AQA A Level Sociology Education : (25 lessons & guided reading lesson pack with x3 DEA Booklets)

<p>Includes 25 lessons with a guided reading pack to supplement lessons 6-10 on educational policies to avoid note-taking. Lessons are 4-parted with retrieval connect (some left blank for teacher discretion and flexibility) as well as exam practice, WAGOLLs and reading to broaden students knowledge.</p> <p>All worksheets are also included. Please note, a few starter/exam question slides have been left blank for teacher flexibility and discretion when choosing retrieval exam question that best suits the needs of the class.</p> <p>**Lesson 17 onwards include a booklet each for the following: Social class &amp; DEA, Gender &amp; DEA, Ethnicity &amp; DEA. Each knowledge booklet is given supplementary with the lessons and each lesson corresponds with given pages in the booklet for students to avoid timely note-taking. Booklet includes:</p> <ul> <li>glossary of key sociologists with ideas proposed</li> <li>key terms and definitions bank</li> <li>exam practice questions</li> <li>guided readings tasks for homework</li> <li>evaluation points</li> <li>exam guidance<br /> **</li> </ul> <p>Lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Functionalist: Durkheim</li> <li>Functionalist: Parsons</li> <li>Functionalist: Davis &amp; Moore</li> <li>Marxist: Ideological State Apparatus</li> <li>Marxist: Correspondence Theory</li> <li>Historical Policies</li> <li>New Labour policies (x2 lessons)</li> <li>Coalition Policies</li> <li>Globalisation &amp; Policies</li> <li>Hidden Curriculum</li> <li>Labelling</li> <li>Organisation</li> <li>Pupil subcultures (intro)</li> <li>Gender subcultures</li> <li>Ethnic subcultures</li> <li>Social class &amp; DEA (x2 lessons)</li> <li>Gender &amp; DEA (x2 lessons)</li> <li>Ethnicity &amp; DEA (x3 lessons)</li> </ol>
AQA A Level Sociology: Media (28 lessons & resources)Quick View

AQA A Level Sociology: Media (28 lessons & resources)

<p>Includes powerpoints, worksheets, exam practice modelling for the whole Media topic (Paper 2). Planned as 4 part lessons with starter activities/retrieval practice, activate, demonstrate task and consolidation.</p> <p>Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Features of new and old media</li> <li>New media debates</li> <li>Media ownership (government)</li> <li>Media ownership pt.2</li> <li>Media ownership pt.3</li> <li>Popular culture &amp; globalisation</li> <li>Cultural and media imperialism</li> <li>Postmodernism</li> <li>Social Construction of news</li> <li>Gatekeeping &amp; news values</li> <li>Agenda &amp; norm setting</li> <li>Moral panics</li> <li>Churnalism</li> <li>Representation of children</li> <li>Representation of older people</li> <li>Representation of WC</li> <li>Representation of M/UC</li> <li>Representation of ethnicity</li> <li>Representation of islamophobia</li> <li>Representation of gender</li> <li>Representation of male and females</li> <li>Theory and changes</li> <li>Representation of sexuality</li> <li>Representation of disability</li> <li>Passive &amp; active audience models (x2 lessons)</li> <li>Media conclusions (violence)</li> </ol>
OCR GCSE Psychology: Paper 1 & 2 Neuropsychology PackQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Paper 1 & 2 Neuropsychology Pack

<p>Small resource pack of neuropsychology and where it links to all paper 1 &amp; 2 topics.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Brain diagram (labelled with each linked topic to brain part)</li> <li>Neuropsychology exam question bank</li> <li>Systems in the brain and body knowledge organiser (neuropsychology of criminal behaviour and developmental psychology) -</li> </ul>
OCR GCSE Psychology: Paper 2 Topic LessonsQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Paper 2 Topic Lessons

3 Resources
<p>Includes detailed lesson powerpoints, worksheets, exam practice and retrieval tasks for the three topics on Paper 2 GCSE Paper as well as 13 mark lessons</p> <p>Topic Included:</p> <ul> <li>Social Influence</li> <li>Memory</li> <li>Sleep &amp; Dreaming</li> </ul>
OCR GCSE Psychology: MemoryQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Memory

<p>Complete lessons for Y11 Psychology Memory topic - includes worksheets, powerpoints, exam practice.</p> <p>Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>STM &amp; LTM Key concepts</li> <li>Stages of information processing</li> <li>Multi store model AO1</li> <li>Multi store model AO3</li> <li>Forgetting</li> <li>Amnesia</li> <li>Wilson et al AO1/3</li> <li>Reconstructive memory AO1/3</li> <li>Braun et al AO1/3</li> <li>Applicaion: Advertising</li> </ol>
OCR GCSE Psychology: Psychological ProblemsQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Psychological Problems

<p>Complete lessons for Y11 Psychology Psychological Problems topic - includes worksheets, powerpoints, exam practice.</p> <p>Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Concepts of mental health</li> <li>Prevalence of mental health</li> <li>Stigma and discrimination</li> <li>Clinical characteristics of schizophrenia</li> <li>Social Drift theory AO1</li> <li>Social Drift AO3</li> <li>Biological explanation of SZ AO1</li> <li>Biological explanations of SZ AO3</li> <li>Daniel et al AO1/3</li> <li>Symptoms of depression</li> <li>Ellis ABC Model AO1</li> <li>Ellis ABC Model AO3</li> <li>Social Rank AO1</li> <li>Social Rank AO3</li> <li>Tandoc et al AO1/3</li> <li>Application: Drug treatments</li> <li>Application: CBT</li> </ol>
GCSE OCR Psychology: Social InfluenceQuick View

GCSE OCR Psychology: Social Influence

<p>Complete lessons for Y11 Psychology Social Influence topic - includes worksheets, powerpoints, exam practice.</p> <p>Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Majority infleunce</li> <li>Collective &amp; crowd behaviour</li> <li>Culture</li> <li>Authority figures</li> <li>Evaluating situational factors</li> <li>Bickman AO1</li> <li>Bickman AO3</li> <li>Self-esteem</li> <li>Locus of control</li> <li>The brain</li> <li>Authoritarian personality</li> <li>Evaluating dispositional factors</li> <li>Morrell/NatCen AO1</li> <li>Morrell/NatCen AO3</li> <li>Application: minority influence</li> <li>Application: majority influence</li> </ol>
OCR GCSE Psychology: Criminal PsychologyQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Criminal Psychology

<p>Complete lessons for Y11 Psychology Criminal Psychology - includes worksheets, powerpoints, exam practice.</p> <p>Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Types of crime</li> <li>Measuring crime</li> <li>Social learning theory AO1</li> <li>SLT AO3</li> <li>Cooper &amp; Mackie AO1</li> <li>Cooper &amp; Mackie AO3</li> <li>Eysencks Theory</li> <li>Heaven’s study AO1</li> <li>Heaven’s study AO3</li> <li>Application: Punishment</li> <li>Application: Rehabilitation</li> <li>x2 13 mark lessons</li> </ol>
OCR GCSE Psychology: Sleep & DreamingQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Sleep & Dreaming

<p>Complete lessons for Y11 Psychology Sleep &amp; Dreaming - includes worksheets, powerpoints, exam practice.</p> <p>Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Functions &amp; features of sleep</li> <li>Neuropsychology of sleep</li> <li>Sleep disorders</li> <li>Freud’s theory AO1</li> <li>Freud’s theory AO3</li> <li>Case studies</li> <li>Wolfmann AO1/3</li> <li>Activation synthesis theory AO1</li> <li>Activation synthesis theory AO3</li> <li>Williams et al AO1/3</li> <li>Application: treating insomnia</li> </ol>
EDUQAS A LEVEL Psychology: Crime Exam Skills BookletQuick View

EDUQAS A LEVEL Psychology: Crime Exam Skills Booklet

<p>Student exam skills workbook</p> <p>Comprehensive skills activity booklet includes activities for students to complete the help build description and evaluation skills for the crime topic including explanations and methods if modifying (component 3). Pitched for mixed ability students to gradually develop exam skills with tasks of varying difficulty.</p> <p>Booklet Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Model WAGOLL answers to exam questions</li> <li>Knowledge check activities</li> <li>Visual aid activities</li> <li>Guide to deconstructing questions</li> <li>Sentence starters</li> <li>PEE(L) paragraph models &amp; writing frames</li> <li>Application question breakdown with models</li> <li>Common misconceptions &amp; top tips</li> <li>Practice exam questions &amp; self-assessment area</li> <li>Partial PEEL paragraph tasks</li> <li>Past exam question bank</li> </ul>
EDUQAS A LEVEL Psychology: Stress exam skills booklet (C3)Quick View

EDUQAS A LEVEL Psychology: Stress exam skills booklet (C3)

<p>Student exam skills workbook</p> <p>Comprehensive skills activity booklet includes activities for students to complete the help build description and evaluation skills for the stress topic including explanations and methods if modifying (component 3). Pitched for mixed ability students to gradually develop exam skills with tasks of varying difficulty.</p> <p>Booklet Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Model WAGOLL answers to exam questions</li> <li>Knowledge check activities</li> <li>Visual aid activities</li> <li>Guide to deconstructing questions</li> <li>Sentence starters</li> <li>PEE(L) paragraph models &amp; writing frames</li> <li>Application question breakdown with models</li> <li>Common misconceptions &amp; top tips</li> <li>Practice exam questions &amp; self-assessment area</li> <li>Partial PEEL paragraph tasks</li> <li>Past exam question bank</li> </ul>
OCR GCSE Psychology: Paper 1 Topic LessonsQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Paper 1 Topic Lessons

3 Resources
<p>Includes detailed lesson powerpoints, worksheets, exam practice and retrieval tasks for the three topics on Paper 1 GCSE Paper as well as 13 mark lessons</p> <p>Topic Included:</p> <ul> <li>Criminal Psychology</li> <li>Developmental</li> <li>Psychological problems</li> </ul>
OCR GCSE Psychology: Developmental unitQuick View

OCR GCSE Psychology: Developmental unit

<p>Complete lessons for Y11 Psychology Developmental topic - includes worksheets, powerpoints, exam practice.</p> <p>Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:</p> <ol> <li>Life stages &amp; central nervous system</li> <li>Pre-natal &amp; childhood brain</li> <li>Adolescent &amp; adulthood brain</li> <li>IQ testing (AO1 &amp; 3)</li> <li>Piaget’s theory (AO1 &amp; 3)</li> <li>Piaget’s study (AO1)</li> <li>Dweck’s theory AO1</li> <li>Dweck’s theory AO3</li> <li>Willingham</li> <li>Blackwell’s study AO1</li> <li>Blackwell AO3</li> <li>Application lesson</li> <li>13 marker lesson</li> </ol>