KS1 Science Knowledge Organisers (for Class Teachers or Science Subject Leads)Quick View

KS1 Science Knowledge Organisers (for Class Teachers or Science Subject Leads)

<p>These science knowledge organisers complement the science subject leader handbook (see other resources).</p> <p>The have been designed for mixed year groups (Y1/2)</p> <p>All year group objectives for each Science topic are revisited in a 2 year cycle but either through our discrete or integrated coverage to ensure variability within a spiral curriculum. These are clearly identified in the knowledge organisers.<br /> • DISCRETE: Objectives explicitly taught to develop content, understanding, and evaluating knowledge.<br /> • INTEGRATED: Objectives revisited or introduced by bridging connections between Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Skills (enquiry driven lessons)</p>
KS2 Subject Organisers (for Class Teachers and Subject Leaders)Quick View

KS2 Subject Organisers (for Class Teachers and Subject Leaders)

<p>These science knowledge organisers complement the science subject leader handbook (see other resources).</p> <p>The have been designed for mixed year groups (Y3/4, Y4/5, Y5/6) over a 2 year cycle.</p> <p>All year group objectives for each Science topic are revisited in a 2 year cycle but either through our discrete or integrated coverage to ensure variability within a spiral curriculum. These are clearly identified in the knowledge organisers.<br /> • DISCRETE: Objectives explicitly taught to develop content, understanding, and evaluating knowledge.<br /> • INTEGRATED: Objectives revisited or introduced by bridging connections between Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Skills (enquiry driven lessons)</p>
KS1 and KS2 Science Knowledge Organisers (for Class Teachers and Science Subject Leaders)Quick View

KS1 and KS2 Science Knowledge Organisers (for Class Teachers and Science Subject Leaders)

<p>These science knowledge organisers complement the science subject leader handbook (see other resources).</p> <p>The have been designed for mixed year groups (Y1/2, Y3/4, Y4/5, Y5/6) over a 2 year cycle.</p> <p>All year group objectives for each Science topic are revisited in a 2 year cycle but either through our discrete or integrated coverage to ensure variability within a spiral curriculum. These are clearly identified in the knowledge organisers.<br /> • DISCRETE: Objectives explicitly taught to develop content, understanding, and evaluating knowledge.<br /> • INTEGRATED: Objectives revisited or introduced by bridging connections between Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Skills (enquiry driven lessons)</p>
KS1 and KS2 Science Assessment  (for Subject Leaders)Quick View

KS1 and KS2 Science Assessment (for Subject Leaders)

<p>This assessment method complements the science subject leader handbook (see other resources).</p> <p>Assessment has been designed for mixed year groups (Y1/2, Y3/4, Y4/5, Y5/6) over a 2 year cycle.</p> <p>Assessment should be used to inform teacher. This method of assessment has been designed to ensure it is manageable and achievable within primary teaching.</p> <p>An excel spreadsheet has been included to allow easy tracking by Science subject lead.</p>
KS1 and KS2 Science Knowledge Organisers + Small Steps Medium Term Plans (for Science Co-Ordinators)Quick View

KS1 and KS2 Science Knowledge Organisers + Small Steps Medium Term Plans (for Science Co-Ordinators)

<p>These science knowledge organisers complement the science subject leader handbook (see other resources).</p> <p>The have been designed for mixed year groups (Y1/2, Y3/4, Y4/5, Y5/6) over a 2 year cycle.</p> <p>All year group objectives for each Science topic are revisited in a 2 year cycle but either through our discrete or integrated coverage to ensure variability within a spiral curriculum. These are clearly identified in the knowledge organisers.<br /> • DISCRETE: Objectives explicitly taught to develop content, understanding, and evaluating knowledge.<br /> • INTEGRATED: Objectives revisited or introduced by bridging connections between Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Skills (enquiry driven lessons)</p> <p>Also included are sample medium term plans for mixed year groups (Y1/2, Y3/4, Y4/5, Y5/6). These include the small steps for the unit (upto to 6 lessons objectives), the key knowledge that is to be taught, and assessment questions that can be used to assess learning. Some include suggested activities but these have been left blank to give teachers some creative freedom.</p>
Science Subject Leader HandbookQuick View

Science Subject Leader Handbook

<p>• The following curriculum overview has been designed based on mixed classes in KS1 and KS2 over a 2-year cycle. This cycle can easily be edited and adapted depending on the class structure within your school. Note: there will likely be some copy and pasting involved to ensure this curriculum suits the class structure of your school.<br /> • All year group objectives in KS1/2 are revisited in a 2 year cycle but either through our discrete or integrated coverage to ensure variability within a spiral curriculum. All topics are covered each year but from a different emphasis to create a systematic, progressive curriculum within a mixed year-group school.<br /> • DISCRETE: Objectives explicitly taught to develop content, understanding, and evaluating knowledge.<br /> • INTEGRATED: Objectives revisited or introduced by bridging connections between Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Skills.</p> <p>• Each science lesson (from Y1-6) should be planned and taught based around one of the following scientific skills: Observe; Fair Test; Patterns; Research; Language; Identify and Group; Questioning.<br /> • These skills should be made clear in teacher planning, as well as on any resources created for the children. Within this curriculum, puzzle pieces have been created that teachers can detail in planning and on working walls.<br /> • Examples of scientific lines of enquiries (linked to puzzle pieces) that could be used in planning across KS1 and KS2 are given.</p> <p>• Assessment should be used to inform teacher. A method of assessment has been designed to ensure it is manageable and achievable within primary teacher. This is detailed in the handbook.<br /> • If knolwedge organisers are additionally downloaded, these make clear how this assessment knowledge is developed over a scheme of learning.</p> <p>NOTE: Planning is not included. This is a whole school curriculum document.</p>