Objective | Subjective LanguageQuick View

Objective | Subjective Language

<p>Year 6 Objective and Subjective Language in Advertising<br /> Year 6 Objective and Subjective Language in Advertising<br /> 1:1 | Classroom</p> <p>Learning Goal: to analyse image and text to identify Objective (factual) and Subjective (opinion) information in Advertising texts.<br /> To assess objective and subjective advertising.</p> <p>Year 6 Australian Curriculum:<br /> Understand the uses of objective and subjective language and bias (ACELA1517)<br /> Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and digital texts (ACELY1713)</p>
F - Year 1 Letter C: CVC word recognition, Writing, Sentence StructureQuick View

F - Year 1 Letter C: CVC word recognition, Writing, Sentence Structure

<p>F - Year 1 Letter C CVC word recognition, handwriting, sentence structure<br /> 1:1 or Classroom</p> <p>Learning Goals:<br /> Foundation: Write consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words by representing some sounds with the appropriate letters, and blend sounds associated with letters when reading CVC words (ACELA1820) Australian Curriculum</p> <p>Year 1: Use short vowels, to read single syllable words (ACELA1458) Australian Curriculum</p> <p>Page 1: Learning letter C words, ‘cat, car’ using elkonin boxes.<br /> Page 2: Simple sentence structure cards - encouraging student to construct sentences in sequence.<br /> Page 3: Opportunity to build handwriting skills using structured sentence cards as reference.</p>
Year 2-4 Consonant Digraph 'ph' as fQuick View

Year 2-4 Consonant Digraph 'ph' as f

<p>Year 2-4 Consonant Digraph ‘ph’</p> <p>1:1 | Classroom</p> <p>Learning Goals: To understand and use consonant digraph ‘ph’ correctly, improving literacy skills.</p> <p>Page 1: Worksheet (preview provided)</p> <p>Page 2: Resource includes supporting flash cards where students have opportunity to expand knowledge and vocabulary, to identify new ‘ph’ words.<br /> Great opportunity to use word list to create complex sentences using connectives/conjuctions, (ACELA1467)</p> <p>Australian Curriculum</p> <p>Year 2: Understand how to use knowledge of digraphs, long vowels, blends and silent letters to spell one and two syllable words including some compound words (ACELA1471)</p> <p>Year 4: Understand how to use knowledge of letter patterns including double letters, spelling generalisations, morphemic word families, common prefixes and suffixes and word origins to spell more complex words (ACELA1779)</p>
Year 1 Vowel Digraph 'ph'Quick View

Year 1 Vowel Digraph 'ph'

<p>Year 1 English | Vowel Digraph - ‘ea’ as in bread.</p> <p>Learning Goal: To understand and identify words using the short vowel e sound in ‘ea’ digraph.<br /> Page 1 (as preview)<br /> Page 2 Cloze sentences &amp; Proofreading tasks</p> <p>Australian Curriculum:</p> <p>Use short vowels, common long vowels, consonant digraphs and consonant blends when writing, and blend these to read single syllable words (ACELA1458)</p> <p>#digraphs #year1</p>
Year 6 Poetry | LimerickQuick View

Year 6 Poetry | Limerick

<p>Year 6 English | Limerick - (Diary of a Wimpy Kid theme)</p> <p>1:1 | Classroom 2 pages<br /> Learning Goals: To understand the structure of a limerick and create a limerick based on a theme.<br /> Page 1: as preview<br /> Page 2 : Creating a Limerick with novel theme.</p> <p>Australian Curriculum:<br /> Identify the relationship between words, sounds, imagery and language patterns in narratives and poetry such as ballads, limericks and free verse (ACELT1617)</p>
Year 6 Letter Patterns | ´et´ as in  /ay/   &  'ia' as in long iQuick View

Year 6 Letter Patterns | ´et´ as in /ay/ & 'ia' as in long i

<p>Year 6 English - Letter Patterns ‘et’ as in chalet &amp; ‘ia’ as in diamond</p> <p>1:1 | Classroom</p> <p>Learning Goals: to build competency in understanding and using uncommon letter patterns of European origins.</p> <p>Two different lessons/worksheets:</p> <p>Pages 1-2: Letter Pattern: ´et´ words with /ay/ sound<br /> Pages 3-4 Letter Pattern: digraph ‘ia’ as in diamond</p> <p>Australian Curriculum:<br /> Understand how to use knowledge of known words, word origins including some Latin and Greek roots, base words, prefixes, suffixes, letter patterns and spelling generalisations to spell new words including technical words (ACELA1526)</p> <p>Understand how to use phonic knowledge and accumulated understandings about blending, letter-sound relationships, common and uncommon letter patterns and phonic generalisations to read and write increasingly complex words (ACELA1830)</p>
Year 6 English - Tense - Past, Present Future | AFL & FIFAQuick View

Year 6 English - Tense - Past, Present Future | AFL & FIFA

<p>Year 6 English - Tense - Past, Present, Future | AFL &amp; FIFA</p> <p>1:1 | Classroom.</p> <p>Learning Goal: To differentiate between different tenses, applying them in simple sentences and excerpts of narrative and informative texts.<br /> Content can be used for Early graders if you wish.</p> <p>‘Understand how ideas can be expanded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases’ (ACELA1523 - Australian Curriculum)</p> <p>Page 1-3: FIFA content<br /> Page 1: Table to identify different tense. With soccer topic of choice, create 3 sentences using different tenses.</p> <p>Page 2: ‘Past to Present’. Changing tense in a narrative excerpt.<br /> Page 3: ‘Present to Past’. Correcting present tense to past.</p> <p>Pages 4-6 AFL content 'North Melbourne | Hawthorn Hawks<br /> Page 4: Table to identify different tenses. With AFL topic of choice, create 3 sentences using different tenses.</p> <p>Page 5: ‘Present to Past’. Changing tense in a news article excerpt.<br /> Page 6: ‘Past - Present’ Rewriting a narrative passage to present tense.</p> <p>Created for my students, this resource contains AFL (North Melbourne/Hawthorn Hawks) content as well as FIFA content to please field sports fan.<br /> #aussierules #AFL #FIFA #ronaldo #tense #pasttense #presenttense #futuretense #narrative #informative #english</p>
K - 2 'One, Two, Buckle My Shoe' Reading & Writing PackQuick View

K - 2 'One, Two, Buckle My Shoe' Reading & Writing Pack

<p>K-2 "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Emergent Reader + Handwriting Book<br /> 1:1 | Classroom<br /> Learning Goals:<br /> Reading and writing content contain text with guided lines to help learner improve handwriting skills.<br /> Images help learner understand about story sequence.<br /> Handwriting Book activity can be extended over multiple lessons.<br /> Learning Goals | Australian Curriculum</p> <p>Foundation:<br /> Recognise and generate rhyming words, alliteration patterns, syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words (ACELA1439)<br /> Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formations (ACELAY1653)</p> <p>Year 1:<br /> Understand patterns of repetition and contrast in simple texts (ACELA1448)<br /> Use short vowels, common long vowels, consonant digraphs and consonant blends when writing, and blend these to read single syllable words (ACELA1458)<br /> Write using unjoined lower case and upper case letters (ACELY1663)</p> <p>Year 2:<br /> Write legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper case and lower case letters (ACELY1673)<br /> Use most letter-sound matches including vowel digraphs, less common long vowel patterns, letter clusters and silent letters when reading and writing words of one or more syllable (ACELA1824)<br /> PDF, 16 pages</p> <p>Pack includes:<br /> 1 x A5 Emergent Reader (5 pages, colour)<br /> 1 x A3 Handwriting Poem Book ( 6 pages, colour)<br /> 1 x A4 Sticker sheet<br /> Instructions</p>
'd is for dragon' Spelling, Handwriting | Pokemon 'Dragonite'Quick View

'd is for dragon' Spelling, Handwriting | Pokemon 'Dragonite'

<p>Reception to Year 2 ‘d’ is for dragon’ with a Pokemon theme.<br /> Learning Goals: To improve Handwriting, Spelling and Letter recognition.</p> <p>Australian Curriculum<br /> Foundation/Reception: Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formations (ACELY1653)<br /> Year 1: Write using unjoined lower case and upper case letters (ACELY1663)</p> <p>This resource was custom-made for a student and was a success!!<br /> Great resource for students with Dyslexia, delayed handwriting skills.<br /> Introduction to simple sentences, proper nouns and verbs, ‘Dragonite can fly’.</p> <p>More of this resource theme to come! stay tuned!<br /> #handwriting #spelling #dragon #pokemon #dragonite</p>
Year 7 English - Analysing Persuasion in Media TextsQuick View

Year 7 English - Analysing Persuasion in Media Texts

<p>Year 7 English Unit 1: Analysing Persuasion in Media Texts - Advertising<br /> Australian Curriculum</p> <p>Learning Goals:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, selecting aspects of subject matter and particular language, visual, and audio features to convey information and ideas (ACELY1725)</p> </li> <li> <p>Use a range of software, including word processing programs, to confidently create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts (ACELY1728)</p> </li> </ul> <p>Four resources curated to correlate with the unit.</p> <ol> <li>“What is Advertising?” Comprehension and questions.</li> <li>Slogans and Persuasive Language - Connection between brands and Persuasive language devices</li> <li>Advertisement Analysis - an ad of their choice</li> <li>Text Creation: Creating an Advertisement &amp; Reflection</li> </ol> <p>PDF file ( 4 pages) Printable</p>
Year 4 Noun Groups - Cristiano RonaldoQuick View

Year 4 Noun Groups - Cristiano Ronaldo

<p>Year 4 English - Noun Groups.<br /> Australian Curriculum (ACELA1493)<br /> Editable to suit all curriculum needs.</p> <p>Created for a pupil, this resource makes learning Noun Groups fun!</p> <p>Contains a list of adjectives to choose from to answer cloze sentences.</p> <p>It also provides opportunities for the student think of their own adjectives to add to the list.</p> <p>Popular and engaging lesson, hope your students or pupil finds it fun too!<br /> #noungroups #ronaldo</p>
Year 6  English   Morphemes   & SuffixesQuick View

Year 6 English Morphemes & Suffixes

<p>1:1 or Classroom</p> <p>Learning intention: Understand how to use knowledge of known words, word origins including some Latin and Greek roots, base words, prefixes, suffixes, letter patterns and spelling generalisations to spell new words including technical words (ACELA1526)<br /> Australian Curriculum<br /> Explores the origin and understanding of morphemes, with tasks using base words, prefixes and suffixes.<br /> Additionally, this resources focuses on the suffixes, 'ary and ‘ery’ with the words, ‘stationery’ and ‘stationary’.<br /> With cloze sentences, this resource was helpful to establish the differences between the two homophones.</p>
Year 7 Visual Arts AC - 'What Does it Mean to be an Australian?' Mind MapQuick View

Year 7 Visual Arts AC - 'What Does it Mean to be an Australian?' Mind Map

<p>This useful A4 mindmap correlates to The Australian Curriculum’s Year 7 Visual Art Unit 2: ‘Australian Identity’.<br /> Learning Intention: Discussing and documenting their choices of representation to strengthen meaning and viewpoints in their artwork, (ACAVAM119)<br /> Australian Curriculum<br /> Great introduction to the unit, opens up discussion encouraging students to explore and identify their views of what it means to be an Australian.</p>
Year 4 Noun Groups - Baby YodaQuick View

Year 4 Noun Groups - Baby Yoda

<p>Year 4 Noun Groups - Baby Yoda/Grogu</p> <p>1:1 | Classroom<br /> Learning Goal: Understand that the meaning of sentences can be enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases (ACELA1493) Australian Curriculum<br /> Lesson duration: 30 minutes</p>
Foundation: Spaces Between WordsQuick View

Foundation: Spaces Between Words

<p>Foundation | Spaces Between Words</p> <p>Learning Goal: To practice using spaces, correcting sentence, strengthening handwriting skills and sentence structure knowledge.</p> <p>Australian Curriculum:<br /> Learning about print: direction of print and return sweep, spaces between words<br /> (ACELA1433)</p>