Deadly Unna? WebquestQuick View

Deadly Unna? Webquest

This is a worksheet/activity I ask my students to complete to gain an understanding of the context of the novel Deadly Unna? by Phillip Gwynne. It is aimed at a Year 9 all Indigenous class studying English EAL, however, it can be tailored or used as an introductory activity for other groups. Thank you I value your comments greatly.
The Hunger Games: Film AnalysisQuick View

The Hunger Games: Film Analysis

<p>This resource is aimed at Year 10 students studying the NTCET, however, it can be easily adapted to suit other year levels and courses. The resource covers: a review of camera angles/shots/ movement and assumes some prior knowledge; the characteristics of dystopia in connection with the film; an overview of the themes covered in the film.</p> <p>The layout is based on an explicit teaching model - starter (termed Quickwrite), Learn, Practice, Apply and Review.</p> <p>Many of the resources are an accumulation of various sources from those found on Youtube, Tes and other teacher resources sites along with my own ideas and that of my colleagues. Where possible I have made every effort to cite these sources, however, please contact me should you feel concerned.</p> <p>An example essay question is given at the end of the booklet.</p>
Essay Introduction ScaffoldQuick View

Essay Introduction Scaffold

Using the format Hook, Summary (as it's a film analysis), Thesis and Map. Visual graphic organiser for ESL learners.
Poetry: Comparative Essay Structure (Power and Conflict)Quick View

Poetry: Comparative Essay Structure (Power and Conflict)

<p>As part of my Australian version of the AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Cluster Unit, I have created a scaffold for students struggling with writing a comparative essay. The scaffold details sentence by sentence what the student should write. It also has an example - although when I was writing this I found I was writing the answers to my students essays so I stopped mid-way and provided brief sentence starters.</p> <p>Please note I got my ideas from the BBC Bitesize website for the structure. If this is not allowed, it was in good faith, but please delete :)</p>
Whale Rider Theme Study (TEAL)Quick View

Whale Rider Theme Study (TEAL)

<p>Hi Everyone,</p> <p>I thought I’d share my share resource on how to create TEAL paragraphs from the themes presented in The Whale Rider film by Niki Caro. I noticed there wasn’t many resources so I hope this helps :)</p>
The Function of LawQuick View

The Function of Law

An introduction to the function of law in our society. This can be used as a tutorial or as a lesson plan to introduce the legal system to new students to the subject and or as a revision.
Types of LawQuick View

Types of Law

An introduction to the types of law for Stage 1 SACE Legal Studies students
Essay Scaffold for The Sign of the FourQuick View

Essay Scaffold for The Sign of the Four

<p>Hi Everyone,</p> <p>Please see attached a scaffold I created for my Year 11 General English (SACE) class. The class has a mixture of abilities ranging from D to A+ grade. Whilst studying the novel, we concentrated on how Conan Doyle creates mystery and tension through characterisation, structure and language. These therefore, form the basis of our three body paragraphs.</p> <p>The scaffold only includes three body paragraphs. The students are expected to complete these along with some short answer questions during timed conditions - hence I haven’t included an introduction or conclusion.</p> <p>Please leave feedback, if you have the time :)</p>