EYFS - Counting ObjectsQuick View

EYFS - Counting Objects

<p>Differentiated worksheets for counting objects.</p> <p>Sheet 1 - Counting fixed objects.<br /> *Up to 15<br /> *Up to 10<br /> *Up to 5<br /> *Recognising numbers and counting to 3</p> <p>Sheet 2 - Counting home work sheet</p> <p>Sheet 3 - Counting spikes homework sheet</p>
Addition SheetsQuick View

Addition Sheets

<p>Worksheets to be used to reinforce addition for EYFS/KS1</p> <p>Sheet 1 - Addition using a number line<br /> Differentiation<br /> *Addition to 10<br /> *Addition to 5<br /> *Practice writing numbers</p> <p>Sheet 2 - Addition using a number line (to 20)</p> <p>Sheet 3 &amp; 4 - Addition using a number line (to 50) with blank number lines</p> <p>Sheet 5 - Worded addition problems</p>
Year 1 - Plants and Growing Unit (Science)Quick View

Year 1 - Plants and Growing Unit (Science)

Worksheets to introduce the KS1 science topic of growth and plants. <br /> Worksheet 1 - Introducing what plants need to grow, why we need plants. What plants can we eat? <br /> Worksheet 2 - Labelling a plant diagram, what parts of different plants do we eat? Do we like them? <br /> <br /> Used as part of a practical lesson in which children were able to see different parts of vegetable plants as I cut them and were able to try them. <br /> <br /> Working scientifically targets met during the lessons: <br /> * I can draw on my everyday experiences to help ask and answer questions.<br /> * I can use my observations to suggest answers to questions.<br /> * I can share my findings in either words or pictures.<br />