Similes and metaphorsQuick View

Similes and metaphors

<p>A PowerPoint that explains the use of similes and metaphors and the rule of ‘like or as’ . The PowerPoint uses a variety of images and offers various examples for students to discuss if the simile / metaphor works or not.</p> <p>The end of the PowerPoint includes a sensory game to help students describe an object by using all senses (this could be used as a hook).</p> <p>There is also a brainstorming grid to help students to organise ideas before writing similes or metaphors.</p>
Animal adaptation - PrimaryQuick View

Animal adaptation - Primary

<p>This is a science lesson plan that I used for an observation (it was a hit with the head and the kids).<br /> I have since slightly adapted it for use in home ed and tutoring sessions, but the session is essentially the same and aims to teach the phrase adaptation and it’s meaning as well as getting children to think about how different animals are adapted for the environments they live in.</p> <p>It incorporates a sensory element as well as the opportunity to evidence the understanding of those children who may struggle te record thier ideas on paper.</p>