Digraph_EEQuick View


<p>This phonics Power Point covers the digraph - ee. It contains a comprehensive lesson plan, a revisit of previously taught phonemes with sound icons, a sound icon for the phoneme being covered and eight dictation sentences. The eight words used to teach the phoneme have been specifically chosen to only include phonemes that the children have already covered at this stage in their learning. Some words in the dictation sentences have phonemes not covered already but these have been identified for you and these can be given to the children during the dictation process. The pictures used in this Power Point are ‘real’ photos to give a visual cue. The words contain a dot if 1 letter makes one sound, and a dash if a sound is made up of 2 sounds e.g the digraph. The font used is dyslexic friendly. This resource will save teachers so much time! I have used this power point with my class and they engaged enthusiastically with it and progress was exceptional. If you are a home educator this resource has been developed carefully to address all aspects of phonic instruction, it leaves you nothing to do except share it with your children and watch them progress. Look out for my other resources in this series!</p>