French Speaking Activity: Speed DatingQuick View

French Speaking Activity: Speed Dating

For French level 2 or up. Student receive a dating profile and have to adopt it as their identity. The profile includes likes/dislikes as well as political views and opinions on jobs, children, etc. There are also questions to help students begin their conversations. At the bottom of each profile is a chart where the students write the name of their partner and determine how compatible they are with that person. The students are placed in 2 rows of two desks facing each other. Female profiles in one row and male profiles in the other. The row of female profiles will not move. You may have a male student adopting a female profile, which just makes it a lot of fun. After three minutes with a partner, the male profiles move one seat down. After 8 turns, students add up their totals to determine who their best match would be. Really fun and successful activity. My French 3s loved it!
French multiple object pronouns guided notesQuick View

French multiple object pronouns guided notes

Introduces direct and indirect object pronouns. Includes a song for remembering the order of pronouns in a sentence. &quot;Se&quot; is included as a reference further into the unit for reflexive verbs. Nous and Vous are not in the song, but appear in the notes. Song goes to the tune of Frère Jacques. <br /> <br /> Ne, me, te, se (Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques), le, la, les (dormez vous, dormez vous) lui, leur, y, en, (sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines) verbe et pas (ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong)