NEW AQA GCSE Triple (2016) Biology – Impact of Environmental ChangeQuick View

NEW AQA GCSE Triple (2016) Biology – Impact of Environmental Change

<p>This lesson is designed for the New AQA Biology GCSE, specifically the Ecology scheme of work. It is aimed at a higher ability class but is easily differentiated downwards. This resource contains many of the PiXL think hard strategies to aid in students understanding and retention as well as to improve their application skills.</p> <p>This resource contains:<br /> 1 PPT<br /> 1 Worksheet containing starter, news article and mindmap<br /> 1 Exam question worksheet</p> <p>Starter - Quick quiz to assess how well students have memorised their KO.<br /> Task 1 - Word fill activity. Students can self or peer assess.<br /> Task 2 - Students to highlight the environmental changes based on what type they are. Challenge is to begin linking the changes and explain on the arrows how they link<br /> Task 3 - Watch the video clip and students to read the news article They are then to answer questions. Students are then to write a letter using their knowledge and understanding to persuade the government to fund research into the decline of bees.<br /> Plenary - Students to complete exam questions which can be peer or self assessed.</p>
QuadratsQuick View


<p>This lesson is designed for the New AQA Biology GCSE, specifically the Ecology scheme of work. It is aimed at a higher ability class but is easily differentiated downwards. This resource contains many of the PiXL think hard strategies to aid in students understanding and retention as well as to improve their application skills. The AQA required practical keywords are reffered to in this lesson.</p> <p>This resource contains:<br /> 1 PPT which contains everything required for this lesson. There is no photocopying.</p> <p>Starter – Quick quiz testing maths knowledge</p> <p>Task1 – Students to estimate how many daisies are in a field using different methods to help them create a plan to help them count the number of organisms in the field. This is then compared to a detailed method and self or peer assessed.<br /> Students to reduce methods into 25 words. This is a very interactive task which students love.</p> <p>Task 2 – Students then to explain why one method may be more accurate than another.<br /> Then students are to answer questions to help them discover what quadrats are used for best. Touches on some of the AQA required practical key words.</p> <p>Task 3 – Students to use data on bluebells to calculate number of daisies and draw conclusions on ethical impact of the experiment. This can be peer or self assessed</p> <p>Plenary – Students to evaluate a method for quadrats and are to improve it</p>
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy or Triple (2016) Biology - Adaptation and ExtremophileQuick View

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy or Triple (2016) Biology - Adaptation and Extremophile

<p>This lesson is designed for the New AQA Biology GCSE, specifically the Ecology scheme of work. It is aimed at a higher ability class but is easily differentiated downwards. This resource contains many of the PiXL think hard strategies to aid in students understanding and retention as well as to improve their application skills.</p> <p>This resource contains:<br /> 1 PPT which has all tasks on the slides and requires no printing for this lesson.<br /> 1 Knowledge organiser (KO) which should be set prior to this lesson so that students have a basic understanding of some of the key terms and ideas.</p> <p>Starter - Quick quiz to assess how well students have memorised their KO.<br /> Task 1 - Students are to transform information from the slides into pictures.<br /> Checkpoint quiz<br /> A small amount of teacher talk, or you could print off the information slides and students could use that to complete the next task<br /> Task 2 - Extremophiles. Students are to create their own extremophiles. They must design one for a cold climate and one for a hot climate and label their diagrams. they also must say how each adaptation helps the organism to function in its environment.<br /> Plenary - Students to create their own mark scheme for an exam question. Use visualizer if possible to show students how to unpick the exam question to work out what to put.</p>