Custom Reusable Murder Mystery - Four Rules With Negative Numbers
<p>Make your own murder mystery using the students in your class!<br />
The puzzle can be repeated and reused lesson after lesson.<br />
The spreadsheet will randomise the order of the students names and generate a different set of questions every time.</p>
<p>Insert at least 24 student names into the first tab. Tip: If you have less than 24 students then make up the numbers by using teachers in the school!<br />
There are spaces for up to 34 names.<br />
Click “Generate Questions” and the program will randomly select 24 names from the list.</p>
<p>Six of your students are potentially the victim, another six are linked to the location, another six are linked to the murder weapon, and of course, six are potential suspects.</p>
<p>Students have to answer the questions to find out the victim, the murderer, the location, and the murder weapon. Ask them to write a short paragraph describing their findings. Of course they can always embellish the story by adding a motive!</p>
<p>This is one of the first in a series of murder mysteries I’m producing. This one covers arithmetic with negative numbers - adding, subtracting, and multiplying and dividing. Watch out for my other murder mysteries on arithmetic, percentages, negative numbers, and more!</p>