Increasing/Decreasing by a fraction - whole lessonQuick View

Increasing/Decreasing by a fraction - whole lesson

I have uploaded my PP for teaching fractions of amounts and then into increasing and decreasing, with answers for the investigation on the PP. There is an activity for fractions of amounts if your group need to go over it again (if the two slides of questions is not enough).<br /> <br /> I cannot take all the credit for this resource as I used the worksheet idea from lwarren18 but I then created a new one for my school location and increased the amount of questions. <br /> <br /> I hope this is of use to some teachers, I usually upload them for free but this took me a bit of time to create so asking for a little bit in return!
Football AnglesQuick View

Football Angles

I created this worksheet to engage my Foundation GCSE boys. I have chosen England football players with differing levels of ability.<br /> Red involves the students drawing the lines between the players and measuring the angles.<br /> Amber involves the students drawing the angles between the players and identifying the type of angles.<br /> Green involves the students trying to find the correct combinations of passes to find the given angle.<br /> <br /> Each level of ability has an extension.<br /> <br /> The answers are attached. For the green section there could be many more answers!