Story: The PJ masks save the school busQuick View

Story: The PJ masks save the school bus

On this post you can find: photos of the props I used photos of my pupils workbooks with their completed work. More specifically, photos of 2 worksheets: i) differentiated worksheets for learning the names of the characters, ii) colourful semantics activity for describing a photo that is part of the story.
Story: PJ Masks save the trainQuick View

Story: PJ Masks save the train

For this particular story lesson, I prepared the following resources: PowerPoint Presentation (I used ‘animations’ to present the information in ways that capture my pupils’ attention by creating pauses in order to allow for comments and questions) Core board with fringe vocabulary Story Props 4 different worksheets to use 1 per week, all differentiated according to pupils needs.
yoga lessonQuick View

yoga lesson

The lesson consists of 3 parts yoga poses. First pupils get ready by getting their yoga mat and taking their shoes and socks off. Then, leading adult models one yoga pose at a time, and pupils copy. breathing. Pupils learn and practice and breathing exercise. relaxing. Give out pillows to pupils and set 5 minutes timer for relaxation. Essential oils can be used during this time. At the end of the session, pupils tidy up by spraying and wiping their yoga mats.
Cooking (racing cars)Quick View

Cooking (racing cars)

The lesson structure is the following Song: Pupils choose and listen to a cooking song as a lesson starter. We need: Teacher presents pupils with ingredients and tools. During this part, pupils can explore the ingredients by tasting, smelling, touching, or just looking! Make: pupils follow a visual to complete recipe. Teacher demonstrates first the sequence of steps. After they tidy up, pupils complete a simple worksheet related to the recipe.
Music GamesQuick View

Music Games

A games session where pupils take turns to play music games on the Interactive Whiteboard
Phonics GamesQuick View

Phonics Games

This is a games session where pupils take turns to play a game on the Interactive Whiteboard. Afterwards, pupils can say what games they liked and did not like, as a way to express their pupil’s voice.