Editing Lesson Prompt Cards KS2  - Editing Station Cards for Classroom TablesQuick View

Editing Lesson Prompt Cards KS2 - Editing Station Cards for Classroom Tables

Set of 6 'Editing Station' cards designed to be folded and set up on tables in the classroom. Pupils move to the different stations to edit their writing using the prompts on the individual cards. Great to promote independence in the editing and drafting process. <br /> Editing lesson idea - 6 minute timer at each table, then move onto the next
Writing Prompt Cards - SPaG Revision Cards for Lanyards UKS2Quick View

Writing Prompt Cards - SPaG Revision Cards for Lanyards UKS2

A whole set of grammar, vocabulary and punctuation revision cards designed to be attached to a lanyard. These can be used as laminated cards in lessons, or sent home as revision materials. These are much more friendly and less-busy than a typical 'Writing Mat'. Really promotes independence in writing! Can be added to or edited.
Collaborative Learning Bundle - Group Role Cards, Editable Poster, and other useful resourcesQuick View

Collaborative Learning Bundle - Group Role Cards, Editable Poster, and other useful resources

Encourage Collaborative Learning in the classroom using specific 'Roles'. The 'Role Cards' ensure each pupil has a responsibility. The other resources include: 'Listen to Me' cards for each group, an editable Values display, lesson 'Review' cards, and an editable 'Groups List' document.<br /> <br /> Can be used in a range of lessons, or be adapted for a whole-school approach.