Language Devices postersQuick View

Language Devices posters

<p>37 colourful posters featuring language devices, definitions and examples to provide an engaging way for students to learn and use language features.<br /> I recommend you print these in A3 and have them prominently displayed within the English classroom to refer back to within the course of the lesson. They can also be used within lesson resources.<br /> Language features included are nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, imperatives, modal verbs, similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, oxymorons, extended metaphors, hyperbole, assonance, sibilance, repetition, rhetorical questions, foreshadowing, enjambment, caesura, dramatic irony, protagonist, antagonist, motif, tone, symbol, theme, triplet, pathetic fallacy, juxtaposition, paradox, syntax, setting, subtext and connotations.</p>
Punctuation postersQuick View

Punctuation posters

<p>Display posters for punctuation especially for secondary school pupils. Posters cover capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes for possession, apostrophes for omission, dashes, colons, semi-colons, brackets and ellipsis.</p> <p>I recommend printing the posters in A3 so that students can refer to the posters for punctuation prompts when writing. Students will interact with the posters as they show feature popular film images.</p>