GCSE English Language WJEC Reading and Writing Questions and Mark Scheme Unit 2/ Unit 3
<p>I created this resource with the intention of using it as a mini-mock at October half term for my resit students in FE. This paper will assess the skills we have taught up to that point.</p>
<p>All of the reading material is based on the theme of Magaluf.<br />
It is suitable for GCSE students.</p>
<p>It is written with the WJEC GCSE English Language specification in mind and includes the following question types:</p>
<p>Explain<br />
How<br />
Synthesis<br />
Multiple choice<br />
Retrieve<br />
What is the purpose of the text?<br />
Proofreading<br />
20 mark Persuasion writing task</p>
<p>There is a mark scheme included for the reading tasks and the proofreading task. The writing task can be marked using any Unit 3 WJEC GCSE English Language mark scheme.</p>
<p>It is designed to last 1.5 hours, hence ‘mini-mock’.</p>