Create your own top trumps - components of fitness (IGCSE PE)
<p>These top trumps have sports stars as top trump cards with the below components of fitness:</p>
<p>Cardiovascular Endurance,<br />
Flexibility,<br />
Muscular Endurance,<br />
Power,<br />
Strength,<br />
<p>Agility,<br />
Balance,<br />
Coordination,<br />
Reaction time.</p>
<p>Pupils fill in what they rate the stars for each component out of 20 (or what they think that particular sportsman/woman would need). There are several blank ones in which pupils can add their own sports stars or themselves and give ratings out of 20.</p>
<p>I have found this to be an excellent way for pupils to think critically on the importance of particular components for each sport.</p>