Year 4 DT & Science combi plan- Create an electrical circuit game
<p>DT unit of work linking the Year 4 Science Curriculum with DT. Children create their own design but their product must included an electrical component.<br />
Most successful/popular games that we have made have been:<br />
Beat the wire game (including buzzer)<br />
Quiz- red/ green LED light bulbs for right/wrong answers</p>
<p>What successful games use electrical circuits?<br />
What will a successful electrical game look like? (Design)<br />
What resources will I need to make my design? (Design and make- prototypes)<br />
How will I make it? (Make)<br />
Is my game successful? How can I make it more successful? (Evaluate)</p>
<p>How can I make my game look professional? (Evaluate- link to computing)</p>