EAL cards for basic Science equipmentQuick View

EAL cards for basic Science equipment

<p>20 different pieces of basic Science equipment, with diagram and drawings to assist EAL and SEN students.<br /> Could be used as flip-cards, but I have them printed and displayed around the top of the room for all students to be able to see.</p>
Microscope picturesQuick View

Microscope pictures

<p>A cool way to introduce microscopy.</p> <p>Student try to work out what the magnified items are - from dust to a toothbrush, from sand to a human eye.</p> <p>Included <em>Publisher</em> and <em>.pdf</em> files</p>
Key Word Advent CalendarQuick View

Key Word Advent Calendar

<p>PowerPoint presentation that you adapt to include your own key words/quotes/pictures.</p> <p>Each number on the Christmas Tree is hyperlinked to the respective Day Page.</p> <p>When in presenting mode - click on the number and you will move to that day.</p> <p>On the individual Day Page there is a Christmas tree (bottom left) which, when clicked on, will return you to Page 1.</p> <p>So all you need to do is, before presenting, add your words/images/quotes to the individual Day Pages and you have your ‘Key Word Advent Calendar’.</p>
review of particlesQuick View

review of particles

This is a circus of experiments that require a little preparation. The student answer sheets can be printed as an A5 booklet and the students fill it in as they go round the experiments - in no specific order. I have included pictures that can be used fo