Lego Therapy Job Title BadgesQuick View

Lego Therapy Job Title Badges

Each badge gives the role and job description of everyone involved in Lego Therapy. I have found these helpful to use with older students who can't quite get in to lego therapy to begin with as 'name badges' make it more official. It also acts as a reminder to those involved about who is responsible for what.
Macbeth Character TreeQuick View

Macbeth Character Tree

A visual aid to remind students of who is who in Shakespeare's Macbeth. There is a complete version with all the characters and a simplified version with just the main characters.
Assertive Passive Aggressive WorksheetQuick View

Assertive Passive Aggressive Worksheet

A scale showing assertive, passive and aggressive for students to think about different times when they would demonstrate these behaviours. This can then be used to prompt discussion about alternative ways to react.
Life Skills activity booklet (KS1)Quick View

Life Skills activity booklet (KS1)

39 pages of life skills activities aimed at key stage 1 children or children with severe learning difficulties.<br /> Topics covered include<br /> Time/Days/Months<br /> Introduction to Money<br /> In Case of Fire<br /> Man/Woman/Boy/Girl/Baby<br /> Road Safety<br /> Familar people<br /> Following Directions<br /> Using the toilet<br /> Answering questions about self
Facial expressions and body languageQuick View

Facial expressions and body language

A worksheet designed for use in a social skills setting, where the group are asked to use facial expressions and body language to try and guess what someone is thinking or feeling. This can be used to prompt further discussion about what made them think a certain thing when others thought something else.
Tall/Short/Fat/Thin cut and stick activityQuick View

Tall/Short/Fat/Thin cut and stick activity

Cut and stick activity for use with young children when describing sizes. Consists of 2 pages; one 2 way table with image support and one sheet of pictures to cut and stick into the table.
Stealing social storyQuick View

Stealing social story

originally designed for use with an ASD student who had a habit of stealing but couldn't understand why he shouldn't steal
PEE paragraphs broken downQuick View

PEE paragraphs broken down

A resource breaking PEE paragraphs down in to small chunks, with sentence starters for each step of the way to help students structure their answers.
Empathy worksheetQuick View

Empathy worksheet

Worksheet linking with historical events to explore how people in each situation felt. I used this as an opening activity in social skills sessions, before narrowing it down to demonstrating empathy in everyday life.
PECS card (set of 201)Quick View

PECS card (set of 201)

Some subject specific cards included (e.g. maths resources, biology, etc) <br /> Some general instructional or object cards.<br /> If you have purchased my other set of PECS cards, this is a completely different set. There may be 1 or 2 repeats but I have tried my best not to have any, so if there are any, it is very few.
Good friend display activityQuick View

Good friend display activity

Designed to be used in a social skills group, this is an activity to create a display as a group to share what each member of the group considers to be a good friend.
Art writing frameQuick View

Art writing frame

This was designed for SEND pupils in a mainstream secondary school to help them structure their writing in art lessons. Its easy to follow, attractive to look at and looks even better when its cut out and laminated to be held as an actual palette.
Good friend scenario card sortQuick View

Good friend scenario card sort

A set of cards with different scenarios on for social skills groups to contemplate the solution to by talking about how the people involved can be a good friend.
Big & Small (2 x cut and stick activities)Quick View

Big & Small (2 x cut and stick activities)

2 cut and stick activities to teach the concept of big and small by separating items in to the big box or small box.<br /> The first activity has 2 versions of a variety of shapes; one big and one small. The child needs to then put the big one in the big box and the small one in the small box.<br /> The second activity has a selection of objects for the child to split in to the two boxes, for example, castle and ladybird. This is harder as the objects are not physically in front of them to compare.
Minion Keeping Calm resourceQuick View

Minion Keeping Calm resource

A step by step guide to breathing techniques to calm down in difficult situations. I printed 6 slides to a page and stuck them in order on a folded piece of paper so as the student unfolds the paper, they are given the next step. Each step is image supported with minion pictures.
CBT style situation analysisQuick View

CBT style situation analysis

I worked on this flow chart with a cognitive behavioural therapist to help students weigh up two possible courses of actions and decide what is the best thing for them to do. Although it was designed with SEND students in mind to help them organise and rationalise their thoughts, it has been helpful for non-SEND students as well when they find themselves in a predicament and I have used it myself a couple of times.
Idioms visual displayQuick View

Idioms visual display

A selection of common idioms with image support, used within a speech and language setting, may also be appropriate for KS2/3 English
SEND Activity folderQuick View

SEND Activity folder

This is a series of 15 sheets to be laminated in order to be able to revise the basics constantly in an interactive way. The individual attachments for each sheet are also included.<br /> Topics include; Days, Months, Numbers, Senses, Alphabet, Keyboard, Ordering, Colours<br /> This will require either velcro or blue tack to create.<br /> <br /> I use these with a SEND pupil in a mainstream school to fill the gaps where he is unable to participate in activities with the rest of the class and I have found it to be an absolute god send