<p>Fourth lesson on resource management, looking at the provision of energy in the UK part 1&2. This will span over two lessons. With TWO recall do now starters, exam questions and a mark scheme.</p>
<p>Third lesson on resource management, and the second looking at the provision of food in the UK: Impact on carbon footprint from imports and study of Agribuisness. It includes a case study of Lynford House farm. with a recall do now starter and exam questions and MS.</p>
<p>The provision of water in The UK part 1<br />
The changing demand for water and matching supply and demand with deficit and surplus.<br />
With a recall do now starter, exam questions and a mark scheme.</p>
<p>Second lesson on resource management, looking at the provision of food in the UK: Growing demand and importing of high value-foods case study Kenya, with a recall do now starter and exam questions and MS.</p>