Quick ViewpapakuraRevise Straight Line Graphs (1)<p>Just Revision of straight line graphs for a Year 9 Mixed Ability Class. Included is a PowerPoint on how to find the gradient and midpoint</p>
Quick ViewpapakuraFractions Revision (1)<p>Revise Fractions - improper to mixed, equivalent fractions and Ordering Fractions</p>
Quick ViewpapakuraFractions to Decimals To Percentages Revision (0)<p>Revision of how to convert between Fractions Decimals Percentages designed for a Year 8 Mixed ability Class.</p> <p>Formative Assessment at the end - tests from WhiteRose Maths</p>
Quick ViewpapakuraFractions of Amounts (0)<p>Basic presentation to get a mixed ability class thinking about how to find fractions of amounts but with a nice NRICH puzzle at the end !</p>